Tuesday 23 August 2016

Crazy full moon

It's been a crazy full moon so don't feel too bad if you felt out of sorts. We are affected by the moon especially emotionally.
This year is challenging as it is beginnings and endings, which all signal change. A full moon while all this is happening can tip us all.
During these times it is probably best not to make any big decisions or radical moves. Our aura is too wobbly and any decision we make may be from our emotions, instead of coming from a balanced perspective.
Full moons are great. I love them but I understand their effect on me and try to ride them out. Then when I am balanced again...well as balanced as I get..ha ha... I make the decisions.
Wendy x

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Looking for connection

Always trust that there are signs to help us. They may come through a song, or something a friend says. We are always connected to spirit, even on the messy days.
Our challenge is to see these signs and act on them. Usually after asking for guidance, they come in. In the following days, we get some validation and feel on track again.
It is normal to feel lost and unsure but if we wait and are open, the answers comes in.
It takes patience and faith to live in this way.
Our guides are always with us. It is our inability to make a clear connection that creates the problem, not that they are gone.
Ask and you will receive is common in the spiritual world. Having quiet time, meditating, or resting all help us to hear the messages.
Never believe we are totally alone. Spirit walk with us every day.

Monday 8 August 2016


When we wish to ascend, one of the best ways is to meditate regularly. It may be for an hour or five minutes, but the time spent in this sacred space is powerful.
We may ask for help with various parts of our lives, request healing, and send love to others. Meditating strengthens us, and makes our connection to our spiritual side stronger.
In our hectic world, it is a like a soul holiday. 
Make time to be in the Light, and find peace with yourself and others.
Love, Wendy x