Friday 12 August 2022


Karmic doors

In life, we make our karma. Our actions and the way we treat others contribute to our karma and our lessons. In each experience, we make good or bad karma. Our personality and genetic predisposition influence the reactions to our life and the lives of others. Stubbornness and refusing to change and be kind to others colour our behaviour and the karma.

The karmic doors are always opening and closing. They are basically the chances we give ourselves to do better. However, in our need and want to do it our way, we easily miss the bigger picture. I sense when the karmic doors are shutting. I see the light coming through the door diminishing as we head for a new path. 

The doors are there to set us in various directions. On a spiritual level, we are aware of them because we set them up before we arrived on earth, but once we are immersed in the energy on earth, they are easily to forget. When I was forty-two, I had a life-threatening accident. I crossed and met my mother and a shining being of love and light who I knew to be God. I had lost my way and was about to change the course of my life. I was either going to stay on the other side and die or return and deal with my abuse and pursue the healing work. My decision to return was based on wanting my sons to have their mother back and to do the service work I had promised to do. It was my sacred contract. 

Obviously, I had hit a karmic door which was about to shut. My warning was a sharp reminder that we continue to choose our path. I was nudged by Spirit, but it was my decision.

Karmic doors are shutting in 2022 in a big way. The old ways of power and control serve no purpose and coming from unconditional love is the lesson for us. Relationship have been tested and in my life, the doors are closing with many people I know. I have reached out to them as a last-ditch effort to help them make another decision to come from love and give up selfish ways. It is an act of love to remind others that the only life way to heal our relationships is to love ourselves and others unconditionally. Ultimately, they have the final decision as it is their karma, but by reminding them of their contract of love, they have another chance before the doors close. Then they are on another path and the lesson coming is harder and may incur major losses.

When I extended myself again in love it was for their ascension in love. Another chance. Although healing our relationship was a possible outcome that was not my purpose. I actually had to overcome my issues with being rejected by them or facing their anger when I ventured back in. It was a manifestation of my unconditional love for them to guide them back to the path which would serve them well.

The karmic doors also represent early death. When we have decided not to fulfil our purpose, we manifest illness and leave. The door through to death is decided with our guides. When my husband decided not to complete his contract on a personal and work level, he manifested cancer and passed within a few months. He had been warned and given advice on how to follow the best path, but he chose another. It was sad, but free will often wins. His illness allowed him to leave and with his guides he will plan another contract for his next sojourn. Several psychics had seen him living healthily into his nineties, however he made a different choice.

The karmic doors allow us free will. The downside is that we can become trapped in our anger and stubbornness and refuse to fulfil our purpose or learn to come from love. It is easy to talk about love but coming from unconditional love is a tricky and painful experience. You have to love yourself enough to love others unconditionally. 

When we look around we can see the karmic doors in our relationships. Then in an act of love we step in once more and try to open the doors. It is a powerful spiritual practice. Try it and see. 

Love, Wendy x