Friday 4 October 2024


Respecting your Guardians 

Your guardians operate like your friends. So, remember to be aware of this. Although they have chosen to work with you, they decide how much help is given. They can stand close or watch from afar.

In my life, I have tried to treat them with great respect. Not all people do. It is unwise to curse and get angry with them as they always try to help us, even if we can’t see it. Some people become exceedingly nasty to them. I have heard the way they speak about their own guardians. They give them ultimatums and blame them for not giving them this or that. Humans can get very mean when Spirit does not come through as they demand. Humans are by nature power freaks and demanding.

I can’t think of a more tedious job than trying to be someone’s guide.

When we ask for guidance, it comes. The only time it does not is when they stand back. The usual reasons are that we have to learn from the experience, or they are standing back because we are being uncooperative. Most of us are hard to reach, even on a good day and especially when it comes to our personal issues. I have witnessed some of the most enlightened people being as stubborn as a mule.

Remember, if Spirit stands back, we are always the reason. If we decide to throw a temper tantrum they will step away.

If we decide to do it our own way they literally stand back, thereby allowing us to exercise our free will. On a spiritual level, if we decide to give up doing the spiritual work, the guides who were sent in order to assist us will move on. I know of people who have lost these guides. From a guide’s point of view, there is little point in staying when their skills can be used with a more cooperative student.

Guides are a gift. They are not your servants or whipping boys. We need to understand that love and respect go a long way. Your personal life guardian will stay with you for this life. However, they can choose how much help they try to give and like a good friendship, it can be destroyed by selfish actions.

Never blame your guides. You have manifested your spiritual world. I have seen many frustrated guides shaking their heads in disbelief. When I see them, they are there, but they seem to stand at a distance waiting. These are the life guides. Usually, the specialized spiritual helpers are long gone.

Spirit is always there wanting to help. If you feel you could have inadvertently caused your guides to step away, you can ask for them to come back. It will be up to you to mend the connection.

Negative Attachments

Generational Healings

Monday 30 September 2024


Your Guides

Everyone has spiritual guidance with them. However, not everyone is aware of the help at hand, even though Spirit is ever present. Like sentinels, they wait for us to be ready to receive their guidance. As well, you have ancestors with you on earth, nearby to share your daily life. Often, if we are open, they can send us thoughts and ideas. Relatives and friends on the other side are always trying to assist from above. Due to our family connections, they can easily relay information to us. Unfortunately, though, most of the time their efforts go unnoticed.

I know some spirits try to find good partners for their loved ones. I had occasion to give a widower a message from his late wife. She wanted him to know she was bringing a new person into his life. At the time that I spoke to him, he was adamant it was rubbish, but he did tell me that he remembered a strange dream. In the dream, his wife told him she wanted him to be in a relationship again, as she did not want him to be lonely. She gave him her blessing. Within a couple of years, the lady had arrived, and he was no longer alone. Relatives can do much from the other side.

They can even send us gifts. When my mum died the few jewels she owned were split up. I had always loved her ruby ring. On my mother’s death, it was given to my sister. A decade later my mum “sent” me a ruby ring. On my fiftieth birthday, my family gave me a lovely ruby ring. The spiritual world is like that; they see what is in your heart and will try to give it to you. The dimensions make no difference.

Spirit finds ways to reach us. They might whisper in an open ear, and plant the thought. Perhaps I was going to be given something else on my fiftieth birthday, but by Spirit sending the thought a new gift idea was arranged. I am sure there have been times you have wanted to have something, and then suddenly you are given it. It is like someone was reading your deepest thoughts. I thank Spirit when this happens because I understand they are hearing my wishes and prayers.

I believe it is important to appreciate the gifts from Spirit. Orchestrating it from their side can be very hard as they have to sow the seed and then wait for a human to physically do the work.

Getting people to meet can be one of the most challenging ventures for our guides. Free will can mess it up big time. Spirit may have it all organized, and then one of the parties decides not to go to the arranged meeting place. I wonder if this didn’t happen in my life. I knew my husband for years before we came together. When I went here or there, he would be at a work function or dance, so we were being placed in the same space waiting for the chance to start our life. Both of us were in relationships with other people. I can imagine Spirit’s frustration. Then my partner went off to “find” himself, and as soon as he was gone in popped my husband. The rest is history as they say.

We can ask for spiritual help for ourselves and others. We all basically know this truth. I have found faith strengthens the outcomes because it keeps you listening, even when nothing has manifested. It teaches us to be patient and to understand that many other things can come into play.

It is very important to realize that we only see part of the picture. Spirit can see all. Just because we can’t understand why things are happening in an expected way does not mean it is wrong, for often there are bigger outcomes that we are not aware of.

These days I accept their wisdom, and I have discovered that I no longer need clarity or the answer. If it is not forthcoming, I continue to trust that my guides are privy to more information and that there is a greater plan. We need to have faith that all is taken care of in divine time.

Thursday 26 September 2024


The Gifts 

The first opening to one past life may lead directly into another. You cannot always know where one gift begins, and the other ends. I trust that the “upstairs people,” as I call them, know best. I ask for my gifts to be used for the greatest good, and in this way, I can be sure I am heading in the right direction. The progression from one skill to another can be daunting, but quite exciting. Once one area is mastered another comes into play. Of course, we never have to go ahead, unless we want to. I have found my total trust in Spirit allowed me to be led along safely to the next place.

When I feel unsure, I tap into my feelings. If it feels right, I go ahead, if I can’t quite decide, I wait and trust guidance will come. Mostly, it is only a timing thing. Maybe we know we need to open the next gift, but the time does not feel right. It is okay to wait.

This is what happened when I was writing these books. I was anxious to complete them, so I wanted to work through the Christmas break. As fate would have it, family concerns and an inability to create any new chapters, meant nothing manifested. Once I got back to work, I realized the break had brought much clarity, and I spent the next few months completely overhauling the books.

Remember, when you are using a gift, be patient and let it evolve naturally.

Untapping old gifts can sometimes present another dilemma. Be aware of hindering your own progress. Once you have mastered a skill, there is a comfort in it, the initial fear has gone, and for the most part, it becomes easy. Letting go and moving into uncharted waters can bring up much fear.

Sometimes, when we have devoted much of our life to a chosen activity, it can be hard to let it go. I struggled when I began to do less healing work, and more writing and painting. A part of me resisted moving on. I loved doing the work and wanted to continue working as a healer/reader. I had fantasized about owning my own healing sanctuary, and was having difficulty letting go of my dream. A good friend helped me see it in another way. She felt that just because we can do something, it does not mean that we have to. It gave me permission to allow myself to acknowledge my gift as a healer/reader and yet be able to expand into other areas. So, these days a lot of my time is taken up writing books.

Where we start is rarely where we end up. Don’t stunt your own growth by being unwilling to expand into new territory.

There is another aspect to consider. People will want to pigeonhole you. For example, some are unlikely to support your decision to change your course. The people who came to me for massage, readings and healings wanted me to keep doing it. They couldn’t understand why I was now writing. Although I knew it was the next gift I had to activate, they wanted me to stay the same. I suggest that you be strong and follow your intuition.

In the process of remembering past lives and moving ahead, money can become scarce. While your new gift is developing, you may be tempted to go back to old ways. Persevere, because given time your path can also be lined with gold. Remember that all comes to those with faith.

Wednesday 25 September 2024


Activating gifts and knowledge from past lives 

Remembering where we have been in past lives can help us tap into a gift or skill lying dormant in our aura. The aura records everything. In recalling past lives, we can discover vast amounts of “hidden” talents.

Sometimes, we have an inkling of a latent gift. Maybe we have always wanted to sing and been too shy, or there is an artist inside us longing to paint again. You can tell when you have hit on a past-life gift. You will have a feeling of coming home. There may be some fear around learning a new skill, but there is also a sense of peace, like you have done this before. I have noticed that this feeling of familiarity comes frequently with past-life gifts. The first night I returned from my introductory massage lesson, I remember saying to my husband how it felt as though I had done this before. I knew it was not in this life, but my hands remembered the feeling. He too thought the way I was using my hands seemed strangely confident.

I am not saying we will not struggle at times to grasp the skill again and need to hone it. However, the time it takes to regain the skills is always quicker than expected. In time, we will be able to make up for lost ground and further our gift. Once we reach the place we left off in our last life, we will be well on our way.

Timing is everything in reactivating your past life gifts. You may reach important times in your life when the gift can be reactivated. Teachers in the required field will arrive, and you will have the time and space to pursue your gift. On a universal level, the scene is set, and you can begin.


Past-life illness 

Illnesses are regularly rooted in past lives. Unresolved, they will pop up in the next life and, strangely enough the sickness often presents when we are the same age as in the previous past life.

For example, a young man I knew started to have trouble with his right arm about the age of twenty. After some past-life information surfaced, it became obvious he had been handicapped about the same age. In his past life, his right side was crippled, and he walked with uncomfortable braces on his legs and used a stick. Once he reached the same age the handicap memory was triggered. Fortunately, he addressed that life and within the next few months the afflicted arm began to improve. Obviously, he had been carrying around this pain for many lifetimes waiting for an opportunity to release it.

A past-life pain can be triggered when meeting a person from the same past life. Once the connection is made, the past-life illness can come up in this life again. This strange phenomenon happened to someone I know. A friend of mine married, and within years began to experience severe eczema. She could find no reason for it. The eczema lasted throughout the marriage. Eventually, she decided to leave her husband and, miraculously, the condition cleared up, and she has never had it again.

It is important to explore the role past lives can have on your health. Some people can access this information themselves. However, most of us need the help of a gifted psychic.