Sunday 28 April 2019

Anger prevailing

There is a lot of anger in the world at this time. Many people are releasing old patterns of anger and others are simply expressing it.

Don't be surprised when you break things accidentally, can't get your computer to work or feel irritated or frustrated. The energy is affecting all of us.

As the anger surfaces, we can either express it or simply let it go. By let it go, I mean find safe and peaceful ways to release it. This may include breathwork, EFT, meditation, prayer, etc. Use methods that work for you.

We can also send healing to "hot" spots in the world. Many people on earth have had past lives in Atlantis and Lemuria. In these advanced societies, manipulating and using energy was explored.

Keep calm when the anger rises and choose peace. Often our daily life reflects the bigger picture and our responses to anger may lessen or increase it.

Good luck,

Love, Wendy x

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