Sunday 11 October 2015

Connecting to your guides

All of us have our own guides and we can ask them at any time to help us. The truth is that all our prayers are heard even if they are not always prayers that can be delivered.
Sometimes life has to take its course or we are learning a lesson and our guides cannot interfere.
However, major nagging can often be answered. I just keep asking knowing that in time it could still come to fruition.
We can ask for ourselves but we can also ask for others. I frequently pray for those around me and ask for extra help for them.
Don't forget that guides can answer in many ways. A song on the radio, a magazine or television program or a random comment from someone. Once I became clued into this way of them "talking" to me it became easier to see when it was happening.
We don't have to do it alone.

There is always guidance if we can learn one, to ask and two, to hear the answer. 

Love, Wendy x

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Negative thoughts

Negative thoughts from us or others really affect the aura. It is like dumping red and black clouds into the layers of our auric light.
These negative thoughts are normal and part of life here on earth. However, we can always change our thoughts by replacing a negative one with a positive one.
 I know that in the process of having a big spit about something we don't really think or want to replace anything. Venting can be necessary sometimes.
Nevertheless, these thoughts left roaming around are never a good idea.
Regularly, try to replace them with positive affirmations and let them go from your energy body.
People can also send negative thoughts to us and unwittingly, we absorb them ( the thoughts).
You can release these and send them out of your aura. Just see them leaving your energy body.
When life gets ready hard and negative keep focussed on cleaning your aura often...maybe once a day. This will lighten your load and benefit your health.
Love, Wendy x

Monday 5 October 2015

Quelling the doubt

Doubting oneself is frequent when we follow the spiritual path. That is because spiritual pursuits are often intangible.
Sending healing, asking for guidance and likewise, can be seen or not. I suppose that is the hardest part, to trust.
When I go through these times I simply surrender my doubts to spirit. Then I keep stepping forward.
Try not to chuck it all in..well at least for long...and keep faith.
The spiritual path is an amazing journey but when doubt creeps in,  surrendering is a useful solution I find.
Much love, Wendy x