Monday 11 October 2021

Spiritual Turmoil

Most of us are experiencing a kind of spiritual turmoil. There are outside influences, astrological chaos and internal struggles.  

You are not alone. Following your inner guidance is tricky when surrounded by different views, but it is wise to listen to your inner voice. Do not attach to the world fear and anxiety. When I venture out, I can feel these negative emotions everywhere. Many people are being caught up in the hype and the fear. 

There is nothing to fear. It is a manmade construct. 

No one returns to the other side unless it has been planned. If you are meant to be here to do your work and be with your family and friends, you will survive this time. I crossed over when I was 42 and was sent back after I was told to deal with my stuff and begin the real work. So even when it seems like a mistake and people "die", they can return. It's in God's hands ultimately. 

Keep life as normal as possible. Keep clear of negative talk and ask that life gets back to a better normal. Meditate regularly and spend time in nature. Use essential oils to calm your aura and any healing that resonates with you. Drink settling teas and eat well. 

Our world is what is around us, not what we are told. 

Anxiety, fear and stress are damaging to us. Try to mitigate these emotions and use what works for you. 

We are being bombarded with information and not all of it sits well in our psyche.

 Bunker down when you need to recharge. Less is more right now. 

Spiritual people tend to be extremely sensitive to energy and emotions. Know this about yourself and protect yourself. 

Believe that whatever comes ahead, you can handle. The vibration of the earth and its inhabitants is messy and quite negative. However, you can center yourself and balance your life. Hold firm and weather the storm. 

Love Wendy x 


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