Saturday 9 October 2021

The astral body

 Our aura is made up of energy. We have the major chakras, the seven layers, the meridians and nadis. The astral body resides in the fourth layer and affects our emotional health.

Our emotions, positive and negative, swirl in this layer. Emotions from our present life and past lives are held here. As we age, we collect more emotions. When we suffer trauma, the emotions become stuck and they energetically affect the flow.

Sometimes, too many emotions in this area clog the area.

The aura stores every feeling we experience. It is held there until we find a way to process and release it. When we are facing a traumatic event, we put our emotions in this place with the intention not to face or deal with them. At the time, it is a good idea because then we deal with the imminent danger and leave our emotional response till later.

Negative emotions coming from anger, fear, and sorrow weaken and damage the aura. Love, joy and positivity raise our vibration and feed the astral body.

Each chakra has an astral layer. It is about 24 centimetres out from each chakra. It is where we store our feelings regarding a situation. Once we have a block in the astral body, our health is compromised. Many diseases are a direct result of an astral block because behind illness is always an unresolved emotion or emotions. The emotional problems come before the disease manifest physically.

Each organ and system like the digestive or nervous system contain an astral component. The emotional part affects the way our heart or urinary system operate.

In our meridians we also hold our emotions.

Whether we wish to deal or acknowledge our feelings makes no difference. The anger we have for our boss, the fear of being hurt again or grief about a loss reside in the astral body. Sometimes we know exactly which emotion is ruining our day. However, we love to avoid and pretend it is not there. We erect blocks and slowly build layers of unresolved feelings. Astral blocks are stuck in our aura and compromise the flow of energy.

When the medical profession can’t find why someone is ill, it is may be due to astral blocks. The blocks cause a myriad of “physical and mental” issues with no physical reasons. The medical tests come back negative and everyone is confused.

Humans are basically walking emotions. We feel everything and are affected by feelings twenty-four seven. Although we have a mental body in the fifth layer more of us are affected more by the emotional body.

The astral body vibrates are a certain level and works when it flows. Once it is cluttered with blocks, the vibrations are lowered and the aura is compromised. The chakras each have an astral body in the wheel. It overlaps the into the astral layer.

There is a belief that the heart is connected to the astral body but every chakra is similarly connected. 

Our astral body runs our emotional life. 

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