Sunday 10 October 2021

The New World

 In this time of turmoil all we can do is pray and ask that guidance be given. With the focus on illness and restrictions, every one is feeling trapped. 

However, we are powerful spiritual beings and our intentions and actions can change the world energetically first, and then physically. Hold firm in your beliefs and what you can and can't do. Resist sacrificing your beliefs and placing your body in danger. We all feel what is right for ourselves regardless of what others may say. Our psychic understanding surpasses human thoughts and opinions. 

Although it is messy right now certain things need to play out. The truth always surfaces and in time, all will be revealed. We need to have faith and stand in our truth. 

In hindsight, you will be glad you listened to your inner voice and did not succumb to the fear. For fear only has power when we give it power. There will be difficulty and uncertainty, but keep faith. 

Pray every day for a positive outcome and that many lives will be saved. Pray for justice to be served.  Pray your families and friends are kept safe and healthy. White light yourself and ask for personal protection and when you don't want to go somewhere, listen to it. I missed being in a unsafe area because I chose not to go out. I was saved from danger because the shopping site became a hot spot. 

Send love and healing to the world and especially, sick areas and people. Cover the earth in pink light. Send direct healing to everyone. 

Be patient and trust that mankind has manifested this for greater learning. The people who are meant to be here for the next part will remain and help to make the changes. 

Spiritually, we are cleansing on all levels and coming into the fifth dimension. Some of us are already there and crusading for freedom and personal choice. 

Be strong, be of faith and PRAY. With our prayers, we are able to shift world consciousness and come through this challenging time. Come from your soul and comfort your human side. Set aside your fears and ascend in your personal life owning who you are. We are sentient beings clothed as humans. We are of God. We are of love. 

Love Wendy x

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