Tuesday 29 September 2015

An easy self-healing practice

Lie down or sit somewhere quiet and comfortable.
Now place your left hand on your head and your right hand on your base chakra. Next visualize the energy running in a loop from your left hand down through the aura to your right hand and back again.
You might feel heat, pain  or different sensations.
Then once the healing has seemed to finish keeping your left hand on your head move your right hand to the second chakra. Do the same process.
Now in your own time place your right hand on your naval, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and eventually crown.
This simple yet powerful healing will clear energetic blocks and refill your chakras and ultimately, your aura.
Happy healing, Love, Wendy x

Monday 28 September 2015

Being sensitive...a silk

If you are reading this I suspect you are a "silk".
As I wrote about in my Spiritual Answers books we can have an aura like silk, linen or leather.
Either one we choose for this life. The leathers and linens are more tough and resilient while the silks feel EVERYTHING and need to take extra care of themselves.No trashing the silk body without some rather unpleasant consequences.
I never realised why others could weather life so well and eat, drink and party on with little negative effect.
Now it all makes sense.
Our gift of sensitivity can also be our downfall.
Being a silk means shielding ourselves at times from others and the world in general. We simply feel others pain and struggle too much. Retreat and sanctuary is where we gain equilibrium and recharge.
Eating well, lots of water and exercise all help, as does meditation and constant cleansing of our aura and environment.
It sounds like hard work. However, being a silk is a gift for us and others.
When you look around you can see who in your life is silk, linen or leather. Then you can deal with them by understanding their kind of aura and who they are.
I love being a silk but I know I have to take more care of myself. I feel so do you.
Love, Wendy x

Friday 25 September 2015

Seeing another picture

Once we embark on our spiritual journey our view of life will be vastly different to others. Because we are less concerned with money and status our take on what is important often makes us strangers in company.
It is important to know when to step forward and voice these opinions and when to be quiet.
Being quiet is a choice I frequently make.
My view comes from love and connection so how I interpret a situation can seem naive or soft.
Empathetic sight includes the emotions surrounding the situation. Seeing everyone's point of view and embracing their personalities or circumstances. 
It can feel strange having almost an opposite take in a group of people and you need to decide if this is the time to speak. Sometimes I do and everyone just stares at me. Sometimes I don't.
Added to this like me you might simply blurt out something...I call it channeling!!!!Then it is out and you can't take it back.
Try to be your authentic self but only when it will serve you or others.
I love my spiritual self as you love yourself. However, we all have to fit into this society and not have to share our gift with everyone.
Love, Wendy x

Thursday 24 September 2015

Even in the darkness there is light, for the dark cannot exist without the light. Love, Wendy x


Always remember even in our loneliest moments that Spirit is with us. Maybe we can't always feel them or our darkness makes it hard to see the light around; however, guidance is ever-present. Whether we have angels, tall, blue beings or fairies makes no difference. Everyone will have their own unique spiritual ones to walk the earth path with them. 
Love, Wendy x

Coming from love

From a spiritual perspective coming from love is a valuable practice. Life can be hard and we all get angry and cranky. It is the human condition.
Nevertheless, coming from love is like stepping up and being bigger than our sulky, angry,  little human. Obviously, it is much easier to whinge and whine, complain and feel sorry for ourselves but when we come from love we also do something very special.
In treating others with love we do an extraordinary thing.
We learn to treat ourselves with love as well.
And we all know that self-love is the greatest lesson that we are here to learn.
I try in challenging situations to step back and then come in from an angle of love. Of course, I feel cranky or upset but I endeavour to work through my heart chakra not my liver!
When I need to interact I speak "through" my heart...quite literally. Then everything I say and do has a more loving and peaceful intention.
Everyone knows when they are "channeling" through the liver...often it feels powerful and in some weird way, satisfying.
Being a spiritual being means coming from a higher place, tapping into the divine.
So next time when you are faced with a difficult situation see how coming from the heart works for you.
We simply have to stop old patterns and decide to do it in a more loving way. Then we all contribute to changing the vibration of our world.
Love, Wendy x

Welcome post

This is my first post and the beginning of many more.
Living the spiritual life is exciting and challenging. It can also be lonely as not everyone "gets" us. However, in the months to come I hope you can join me and begin to feel that there are more spiritual people around.
Often even our friends and family fail to understand how we tick.
Believe in your soul self. Follow your gut and trust that you will always FEEL what is best for you.
For being spiritual means we tap into our emotions to find our answers and make our decisions on how we feel not how we think.
Our spiritual world is all about and there is always help from our guides.
Trust yourself, have faith and enjoy the depth of your life.
Love Wendy x