Friday 25 September 2015

Seeing another picture

Once we embark on our spiritual journey our view of life will be vastly different to others. Because we are less concerned with money and status our take on what is important often makes us strangers in company.
It is important to know when to step forward and voice these opinions and when to be quiet.
Being quiet is a choice I frequently make.
My view comes from love and connection so how I interpret a situation can seem naive or soft.
Empathetic sight includes the emotions surrounding the situation. Seeing everyone's point of view and embracing their personalities or circumstances. 
It can feel strange having almost an opposite take in a group of people and you need to decide if this is the time to speak. Sometimes I do and everyone just stares at me. Sometimes I don't.
Added to this like me you might simply blurt out something...I call it channeling!!!!Then it is out and you can't take it back.
Try to be your authentic self but only when it will serve you or others.
I love my spiritual self as you love yourself. However, we all have to fit into this society and not have to share our gift with everyone.
Love, Wendy x

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