Friday 4 October 2024


Respecting your Guardians 

Your guardians operate like your friends. So, remember to be aware of this. Although they have chosen to work with you, they decide how much help is given. They can stand close or watch from afar.

In my life, I have tried to treat them with great respect. Not all people do. It is unwise to curse and get angry with them as they always try to help us, even if we can’t see it. Some people become exceedingly nasty to them. I have heard the way they speak about their own guardians. They give them ultimatums and blame them for not giving them this or that. Humans can get very mean when Spirit does not come through as they demand. Humans are by nature power freaks and demanding.

I can’t think of a more tedious job than trying to be someone’s guide.

When we ask for guidance, it comes. The only time it does not is when they stand back. The usual reasons are that we have to learn from the experience, or they are standing back because we are being uncooperative. Most of us are hard to reach, even on a good day and especially when it comes to our personal issues. I have witnessed some of the most enlightened people being as stubborn as a mule.

Remember, if Spirit stands back, we are always the reason. If we decide to throw a temper tantrum they will step away.

If we decide to do it our own way they literally stand back, thereby allowing us to exercise our free will. On a spiritual level, if we decide to give up doing the spiritual work, the guides who were sent in order to assist us will move on. I know of people who have lost these guides. From a guide’s point of view, there is little point in staying when their skills can be used with a more cooperative student.

Guides are a gift. They are not your servants or whipping boys. We need to understand that love and respect go a long way. Your personal life guardian will stay with you for this life. However, they can choose how much help they try to give and like a good friendship, it can be destroyed by selfish actions.

Never blame your guides. You have manifested your spiritual world. I have seen many frustrated guides shaking their heads in disbelief. When I see them, they are there, but they seem to stand at a distance waiting. These are the life guides. Usually, the specialized spiritual helpers are long gone.

Spirit is always there wanting to help. If you feel you could have inadvertently caused your guides to step away, you can ask for them to come back. It will be up to you to mend the connection.

Negative Attachments

Generational Healings

Monday 30 September 2024


Your Guides

Everyone has spiritual guidance with them. However, not everyone is aware of the help at hand, even though Spirit is ever present. Like sentinels, they wait for us to be ready to receive their guidance. As well, you have ancestors with you on earth, nearby to share your daily life. Often, if we are open, they can send us thoughts and ideas. Relatives and friends on the other side are always trying to assist from above. Due to our family connections, they can easily relay information to us. Unfortunately, though, most of the time their efforts go unnoticed.

I know some spirits try to find good partners for their loved ones. I had occasion to give a widower a message from his late wife. She wanted him to know she was bringing a new person into his life. At the time that I spoke to him, he was adamant it was rubbish, but he did tell me that he remembered a strange dream. In the dream, his wife told him she wanted him to be in a relationship again, as she did not want him to be lonely. She gave him her blessing. Within a couple of years, the lady had arrived, and he was no longer alone. Relatives can do much from the other side.

They can even send us gifts. When my mum died the few jewels she owned were split up. I had always loved her ruby ring. On my mother’s death, it was given to my sister. A decade later my mum “sent” me a ruby ring. On my fiftieth birthday, my family gave me a lovely ruby ring. The spiritual world is like that; they see what is in your heart and will try to give it to you. The dimensions make no difference.

Spirit finds ways to reach us. They might whisper in an open ear, and plant the thought. Perhaps I was going to be given something else on my fiftieth birthday, but by Spirit sending the thought a new gift idea was arranged. I am sure there have been times you have wanted to have something, and then suddenly you are given it. It is like someone was reading your deepest thoughts. I thank Spirit when this happens because I understand they are hearing my wishes and prayers.

I believe it is important to appreciate the gifts from Spirit. Orchestrating it from their side can be very hard as they have to sow the seed and then wait for a human to physically do the work.

Getting people to meet can be one of the most challenging ventures for our guides. Free will can mess it up big time. Spirit may have it all organized, and then one of the parties decides not to go to the arranged meeting place. I wonder if this didn’t happen in my life. I knew my husband for years before we came together. When I went here or there, he would be at a work function or dance, so we were being placed in the same space waiting for the chance to start our life. Both of us were in relationships with other people. I can imagine Spirit’s frustration. Then my partner went off to “find” himself, and as soon as he was gone in popped my husband. The rest is history as they say.

We can ask for spiritual help for ourselves and others. We all basically know this truth. I have found faith strengthens the outcomes because it keeps you listening, even when nothing has manifested. It teaches us to be patient and to understand that many other things can come into play.

It is very important to realize that we only see part of the picture. Spirit can see all. Just because we can’t understand why things are happening in an expected way does not mean it is wrong, for often there are bigger outcomes that we are not aware of.

These days I accept their wisdom, and I have discovered that I no longer need clarity or the answer. If it is not forthcoming, I continue to trust that my guides are privy to more information and that there is a greater plan. We need to have faith that all is taken care of in divine time.

Thursday 26 September 2024


The Gifts 

The first opening to one past life may lead directly into another. You cannot always know where one gift begins, and the other ends. I trust that the “upstairs people,” as I call them, know best. I ask for my gifts to be used for the greatest good, and in this way, I can be sure I am heading in the right direction. The progression from one skill to another can be daunting, but quite exciting. Once one area is mastered another comes into play. Of course, we never have to go ahead, unless we want to. I have found my total trust in Spirit allowed me to be led along safely to the next place.

When I feel unsure, I tap into my feelings. If it feels right, I go ahead, if I can’t quite decide, I wait and trust guidance will come. Mostly, it is only a timing thing. Maybe we know we need to open the next gift, but the time does not feel right. It is okay to wait.

This is what happened when I was writing these books. I was anxious to complete them, so I wanted to work through the Christmas break. As fate would have it, family concerns and an inability to create any new chapters, meant nothing manifested. Once I got back to work, I realized the break had brought much clarity, and I spent the next few months completely overhauling the books.

Remember, when you are using a gift, be patient and let it evolve naturally.

Untapping old gifts can sometimes present another dilemma. Be aware of hindering your own progress. Once you have mastered a skill, there is a comfort in it, the initial fear has gone, and for the most part, it becomes easy. Letting go and moving into uncharted waters can bring up much fear.

Sometimes, when we have devoted much of our life to a chosen activity, it can be hard to let it go. I struggled when I began to do less healing work, and more writing and painting. A part of me resisted moving on. I loved doing the work and wanted to continue working as a healer/reader. I had fantasized about owning my own healing sanctuary, and was having difficulty letting go of my dream. A good friend helped me see it in another way. She felt that just because we can do something, it does not mean that we have to. It gave me permission to allow myself to acknowledge my gift as a healer/reader and yet be able to expand into other areas. So, these days a lot of my time is taken up writing books.

Where we start is rarely where we end up. Don’t stunt your own growth by being unwilling to expand into new territory.

There is another aspect to consider. People will want to pigeonhole you. For example, some are unlikely to support your decision to change your course. The people who came to me for massage, readings and healings wanted me to keep doing it. They couldn’t understand why I was now writing. Although I knew it was the next gift I had to activate, they wanted me to stay the same. I suggest that you be strong and follow your intuition.

In the process of remembering past lives and moving ahead, money can become scarce. While your new gift is developing, you may be tempted to go back to old ways. Persevere, because given time your path can also be lined with gold. Remember that all comes to those with faith.

Wednesday 25 September 2024


Activating gifts and knowledge from past lives 

Remembering where we have been in past lives can help us tap into a gift or skill lying dormant in our aura. The aura records everything. In recalling past lives, we can discover vast amounts of “hidden” talents.

Sometimes, we have an inkling of a latent gift. Maybe we have always wanted to sing and been too shy, or there is an artist inside us longing to paint again. You can tell when you have hit on a past-life gift. You will have a feeling of coming home. There may be some fear around learning a new skill, but there is also a sense of peace, like you have done this before. I have noticed that this feeling of familiarity comes frequently with past-life gifts. The first night I returned from my introductory massage lesson, I remember saying to my husband how it felt as though I had done this before. I knew it was not in this life, but my hands remembered the feeling. He too thought the way I was using my hands seemed strangely confident.

I am not saying we will not struggle at times to grasp the skill again and need to hone it. However, the time it takes to regain the skills is always quicker than expected. In time, we will be able to make up for lost ground and further our gift. Once we reach the place we left off in our last life, we will be well on our way.

Timing is everything in reactivating your past life gifts. You may reach important times in your life when the gift can be reactivated. Teachers in the required field will arrive, and you will have the time and space to pursue your gift. On a universal level, the scene is set, and you can begin.


Past-life illness 

Illnesses are regularly rooted in past lives. Unresolved, they will pop up in the next life and, strangely enough the sickness often presents when we are the same age as in the previous past life.

For example, a young man I knew started to have trouble with his right arm about the age of twenty. After some past-life information surfaced, it became obvious he had been handicapped about the same age. In his past life, his right side was crippled, and he walked with uncomfortable braces on his legs and used a stick. Once he reached the same age the handicap memory was triggered. Fortunately, he addressed that life and within the next few months the afflicted arm began to improve. Obviously, he had been carrying around this pain for many lifetimes waiting for an opportunity to release it.

A past-life pain can be triggered when meeting a person from the same past life. Once the connection is made, the past-life illness can come up in this life again. This strange phenomenon happened to someone I know. A friend of mine married, and within years began to experience severe eczema. She could find no reason for it. The eczema lasted throughout the marriage. Eventually, she decided to leave her husband and, miraculously, the condition cleared up, and she has never had it again.

It is important to explore the role past lives can have on your health. Some people can access this information themselves. However, most of us need the help of a gifted psychic.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

2024 Predictions Karmic Year

Past Lives


Past lives 

We are all of our past lives. They are encoded in our aura and define us; therefore, knowing about these lives can enrich this life. When I began this work, I was not terribly interested in past lives. Naively, I thought they were about the past and had little impact on my present life. How wrong I was!

Over the years, I began to recognize the enormous wealth of information stored in those lifetimes. Past lives are like the keys to our soul, opening doorways to untapped gifts, experiences and occupations. Knowledge of even one life can shine the light on aspects of us that we have not yet accessed. Everyone will have numerous past lives to draw on. In human terms, there are some souls who have spent hundreds of lives on earth, while others have spent countless lives in other dimensions.

I remember going to a herbalist who had a psychic gift. At the end of the session, he asked me if I looked at the stars. He then continued to tell me that my soul seed originated in the constellation of Orion’s Belt. At that time, I had not embarked upon my healing path, and I must admit it sounded weird to me. These days I am grateful for his insights, and it now makes perfect sense.

It’s an interesting concept to imagine we aren’t from here. The reality is that just because we live as “Bob” in this life, it doesn’t mean we haven’t come from other galaxies. I know this information is like science fiction for some people, but as we vibrate faster, it will seem like common knowledge to us.

People can struggle with the concept of living past lives in other places besides earth. We have been taught earth is the centre of the universe. In this century, there are many from other galaxies and worlds living on earth. Although I have not seen them in the normal sense of seeing, I feel their presence. A few of my friends are very aware of their existence and can describe them in detail. One psychic friend has a family of blue visitors, while another has a group of very tall, almost opaque bluish beings near her. My friends who see these visitors feel unphased by the whole thing.

Lots of beings are on earth to help. They take different forms. Some can be seen by others, while some are actually here in a human form. Have you ever thought you could have been in other dimensions? If you are from other worlds the earth can feel unfamiliar. By drawing on your past lives you may be able to remember other realities. When we have had many past lives in other galaxies, we may wonder why people here do what they do, as it might seem strange to us. You can access these past-life existences and use the knowledge in this life. Once you are open to the idea you may have come from another dimension, your soul will be free to let more information flow in.

Of course, our life now is human. However, our soul contains all we have already experienced, so tapping into these past lives will be well worth it.

Monday 23 September 2024


Karma across the Dimensions 

An unusual balancing of karma can happen from one dimension to the other which I refer to as “dimensional burn-off.” Sometimes certain people die before karma can be settled. Maybe, they were supposed to pay it back. However, when the situation arose, they chose not to deliver and subsequently ran out of time. These karmic debts don’t just go away because one person dies. I believe that even in death karmic debt remains. Once people cross over to the other side, they can see their former life very clearly. It is from this dimension that they may choose to pay back their debt. There are many spiritual beings trying to pay their debts to us on the earth plane. They may be trying to help us financially by working their magic, so that our life is made better. At times we may have sensed them trying to help us.

In spite of this, there is an important spiritual truth that we need to be aware of. If we have karmic debt with another, and they die before it is settled, the debt remains. In future lives, it will return to be resolved. The implications are enormous. Both parties will have to address the karma again until it is balanced. It could take many lives before resolution is reached. However, this process can be short-circuited. Just because we are on earth and the person who has crossed over is in another dimension does not preclude resolution, as long as we allow the karma to be settled.

It is beneficial for the deceased to be given a chance to pay the karma by actively assisting the person living. It aids in their spiritual growth. Nevertheless, to be effective, the help has to be received by the living party.

It is a great idea, but it can be blocked by us. We have the capacity to block energetic help for we have free will on earth. Our anger, hurt and disappointment with the deceased can be so strong that the person wishing to send help from the other side cannot reach us. If a soul decides to make amends, but the human involved is unwilling to receive assistance, then only so much can be done.

This is where you come in. If you sense the deceased around, and don’t let them help, the debt remains. It is in your and their best interest to allow the help to be received. By doing so, you assist in their healing and allow the debt to clear. It can be hard to let in help from someone who has hurt you. Our human side holds grudges and resentment. Try to keep in mind that on a spiritual basis, it is an extremely evolved kind of karma burning. I consider it to be a unique form of forgiveness that transcends time and space.

It takes great courage and strength to settle karma in this manner. Spiritually, we can make huge growth when we allow healing of this kind to occur.

There is another aspect to dimensional karma clearing. Once the karma is burned, the deceased can move on. Often we can hold up the progress of others on the spiritual plane by not allowing them to rectify a situation that they are held responsible for.

Our life is also improved, for in the balancing of karma we can set off with less baggage, and our time and energy can be utilized in more productive ways.


Burning Karmic Debt 

If karmic debt is interesting, burning karma is even more fascinating. People aren’t aware that the amount of karma we burn is in our own hands. We can burn off more karma on our earth plane than we realize, and in doing so, will accelerate our own spiritual progress. Burning karma means doing the work needed to complete and erase the debt. By burning the karma in this life, it is not necessary to come back and settle the debt in another life. Although it can be harder to work on some spiritual aspects here in the denseness of earth, the rewards are greater.

I believe that whenever we can’t, or won’t forgive, the karma may remain. The “unforgiveness” becomes like a tie between you and the others. This tie can span lifetimes. In some cases, not forgiving holds the karma in place. In our society, we are encouraged to think that not forgiving another person is quite okay. However, not forgiving keeps the karma flame burning bright.

In my experience, some of the greatest karma that can be burned comes from that one act, the act of forgiveness. Forgiving is difficult, even impossible for some individuals. Be that as it may, in forgiving the person or persons the karma can finally be over. I believe that until we can release the anger and hurt that are keeping the “unforgiveness” in place, we can’t move on.

By not forgiving, we continue to be connected energetically to the relationship or situation. In this way, the issue stays in our life, and if we don’t let go, we won’t move on.

People aren’t always aware that we can also burn karma with those who have passed. By forgiving those already on the other side, we don’t have to wait until we cross over. This has a dualistic benefit as both parties can move on.

Another common area where karma exists is in power situations. For the karma to be burned, a balancing of power needs to be achieved. Once the power imbalance is righted, each person can stand on their own feet and make their own choices. Often, after this karma is burned, the relationship finishes and each party is free to move ahead to deal with the next lesson.

An interesting kind of karma burning involves burning good karma. In my life, I have found doing this means you do good even when the person or situation does not really deserve it. In using the term “not deserve it” I am coming from a more human perspective. Burning good karma is being kind, generous and loving to those whom we think don’t deserve it. In a spiritual sense, it means working on a higher, soul level.

Burning good karma has very few obvious rewards on earth, but it is a higher way to work. I think it’s when our human does not get to scream, rant and rave when it wants. Instead, we bow to a higher power and choose to be loving. For this karma to be burnt properly we have to be sincere in our intention. We can’t be just fake.

Over the years, I have worked on burning good karma. In some way it did feel better than being my human self, and I think it taught me to be more at peace with others and their choices.

Sunday 22 September 2024



Sacred Karmic Debt 

This is a very powerful type of karma. Sacred karmic debt means we agree to a huge karmic undertaking. The reason I call it sacred is because it is working in the sacred space of the spiritual world.

Karma is fairly easy to do. We may not like doing it, but there is an acceptance and a knowing. With sacred karmic debt, the outlay is enormous and quite daunting, especially from a human perspective. The debts to be paid are so big that during our normal human life, we wouldn’t contemplate paying them.

A few years ago, I was involved in a sacred debt situation with some old friends. They were pensioners who had an ill daughter living in another city. The mother had terminal cancer and wanted to die in peace knowing that her daughter had a roof over her head. In one of our visits, she asked us to buy a house for her daughter to live in. In that defining moment, we knew that we had to do this and simply agreed. Of course, from a human point of view it seemed like a crazy idea. We were living on one full wage and my small earning, whilst trying to raise three boys. However, we were okay with the arrangement as it felt strangely right. In time, the mother and daughter passed away, and the house became ours. In addition, as part of the contract, we have taken our bereaved friend under our wings. On a soul level, we know it is what his wife would have wanted, and we know we are paying back a special sacred karma.

I include this example to help explain a sacred contract. We will recognize it by the ease with which we acquiesce. When asked to buy a house for another person most would run away, but we understood it had to be done and went about purchasing it. Our last part of the sacred debt was taking loving care of our widowed friend.

Although the stories will vary, they will achieve the same outcome. Sacred karma is a special kind of bond, which is planned before we arrive and requires a great deal of trust between the two parties. In a sense, it is an act of sacred trust between souls.

Sacred karma is truly working on the highest level one can.


Past-life Karma 

Our life on earth will contain many karmic relationships and lessons, and we will be drawn back to people we have been with before. When we are reunited in this life we will continue where we left off in our previous life. Essentially, a karmic union has a strong feeling of familiarity. We may have been with this soul for several lifetimes and there may be much karma between us. Maybe our karma is to refuse to be controlled this time, or perhaps we have to relinquish our power in this life. The imbalances in these relationships will be obvious to everyone else, while we may take longer to work it out.

Another kind of karma can occur which I call “reunion karma.” In previous lives, we may have not been together for as long as we had hoped. Perhaps we became separated by circumstances beyond our control, or one of us died too early to work through our karma. In these circumstances people decide to come back again and finish the uncompleted life together in another time and space. Soul mates generally choose this option. In this way, the lost time can be made up again.

If we are in this kind of karmic relationship, abandonment issues may surface. Be aware it is just the past knocking at the door, a vague fear in our soul memory, and does not signify a loss in this life.


Karma and Fate

Karma and fate are extrinsically linked, and if there are lessons to be learned or karma to be settled fate will prevail. There are times when karma wins and no amount of pleading or healing can alter the outcome. Over my time working in the spiritual domain, I have come to accept when some things are ordained. There are times I would want to send healing to help someone get over an illness or alleviate their suffering, and I would get the message that it was their chosen lesson, their karmic fate.

A young man who had suffered a serious injury comes to mind. Initially, I wanted to go into the hospital and give him healing. I also wanted to send him absent healing. However, my guardians informed me that he needed to experience this for he had chosen this karma. He would be paralyzed for life. It had been agreed to by him as a way to burn off his own karma and the karma of those around him, and any interference from me would be blocked. In this case, I sent him and his family love and light. I understood it had to be this way.

Even though I respected the whole process, I found it sad. Some karmic situations are fate. They are fated to happen whether we like it or not. We set them up to give us opportunities to grow and learn important lessons. How we deal with them is our lesson. Maybe, if in other lives, we have been less than generous with others; it may be our fate to walk in their shoes. Perhaps someone who showed cruelty to a person living a disadvantaged life may reincarnate into a similar life. It will be karma they earned through their actions.

Understanding the way in which karma and fate works can provide us with clarity about the whole process.

Saturday 21 September 2024



Karma is an interesting area. The concept has various meanings to different people and cultures. Generally, I suspect karma has been given quite a negative spin. We have been taught it is an unavoidable punishment, an outcome in which we have very little control. On a human level, karma is presented as a foregone conclusion. It is believed that karma is karma, and whatever we do it remains.

From a soul level, it looks different. In the Garden of Remembrance, we agreed to the amount and way in which we would balance our karma. Our soul decided the karma we wished to work through.

Karma is not a punishment; it’s an opportunity for growth. Life on earth is like being in a play, and we play the various parts in order to learn. Once we see karma in this way, it becomes a beneficial experience.

Karma allows us to work things out and in the process, balance our lives. For example, perhaps someone supported us in a previous life, and now we have the chance to repay the debt. In this case, it is not a punishment. I had one friend who knew she was paying back her karmic debt to me. In another life, she was told by Spirit that I had sacrificed my life for her. Now, in this life, she helped me through a difficult, dark time.

The karmic tie is held only until the agreed debt is balanced. After that the relationship dissolves and both parties move on. We can recognize these karmic debt alliances. As the balance closes, we can feel the shift happening. We know it’s done now, and we are free to go our separate ways.

Often karmic relationships are not like our normal ones. The people are not our usual type of friends. Our human backgrounds might be very different and many of our thought processes can vary. Many may question why they are with a particular person. That can be a sign of a karmic partnership. I have been in these partnerships and wondered why, but now I understand. Usually there is a power imbalance in the relationship and while we are burning our karma it is tolerated.

However, once the karma is paid, we know we can step away. Our soul recognizes the karma is finished. I find that towards the end of a relationship, the other person feels the separation and may try to hold on. Nevertheless, if karmic bonds are all that are keeping us together then once they are gone nothing much is left. This can be a hard truth. Unfortunately, if we try to continue the relationship it can become an unhealthy choice.


Souls crossing other dimensions

Only on earth are we bound by time and space. We are actually able to move anywhere and at any time on a soul level. Even so, as humans this can be a hard concept to grasp.

When I do a reading and someone’s relative who has crossed over talks to me, I am working in the soul dimension. I am not tapping into my human side to connect. My human side is unable to do the connection. Only the soul can.

Just like the person who has crossed over can travel, so can we. It is only our rational mind stopping us as we let ourselves be bound by time and space. However, once we release ourselves from that concept everything is possible.

I believe there is no time. It all happens at the same “time.” It looks like a layered cake, like one lifetime upon another, each impacting on the other. These lives are happening in the same universal time and space. Once you grasp this idea of the layers one on top of the other, like a cake, it becomes very exciting. As all of our the lives are happening at the same time then any work we do on one life will directly influence the others.

For example, say you are working on releasing anger from your aura in this life. Well, in reality, you would be affecting your other lives. Of course, to strengthen the outcomes we could focus on all our lives when we do release work, and it will filter into the layers. We can simply work on something now and clear it out in the past and for the future. Wow, I got really fascinated by that concept!

You may wonder why you would even bother because there are so many other things to do here on earth. Th e reason it is important to do this kind of clearing is the impact it makes on your potential other lives. By sorting out your issues and karma now, may stop you from dragging it with you into the next life. You can finally complete the lesson. I chose not to have any more lives with my father, so instead of leaving the lessons for when I passed, I have chosen to deal with them here.

Although it is harder to work in earth’s denser vibration the rewards are greater. By doing the work on earth, it frees you up to focus on other lessons when you cross over. Generally, when you cross over much time is spent in the healing rooms where you look at your life and debrief. By working in this dimension on many issues you can fast-track and don’t need to spend so long in the healing rooms. This means you can advance your own progress and begin your work on the other side sooner.

I admit that doing the work is challenging as the energy is much denser and the rewards unclear. Still, with faith and good intentions much work can be done before we die and move into the next dimension. Our soul has greater capacities than we can ever imagine. All we need is faith and guidance, for all is possible in the eyes of Spirit.

Tuesday 17 September 2024


Soul Vibration 

We may like to think we only affect our own little world, but this is untrue for our actions have a direct vibrational effect on others. What happens in our backyard resonates throughout the universe. This is a positive and negative aspect of universal law.

The negative aspect is obvious, because the fear, hate and anger in other people can permeate our auras and lower our own vibrations. Still, on the brighter side the positive part is that as we raise our own vibration, so the world’s vibration is also raised. The earth’s vibration has been directly increased by all the work done by individuals raising their own vibration. In the past, the monks and gurus knew about energy. Th ey prayed and meditated in order to raise the vibrations and in their own quiet way they were already preparing the world for change.

Keep working on your own development because you are helping the world in raising its vibration. With higher vibration, you become closer to the celestial beings and the knowledge stored above.


Soul food

Food is sustenance and we need it to function on earth. Some people believe we don’t necessarily need food, and that we should be able to survive by accessing energy instead. Although I am sure this could be true, especially in the future when we will be more advanced, I must admit I am still quite enjoying the food experience. For me and many others, eating is more than surviving, as food fills many other needs.

Soul eating is different from the human physical eating because it feeds our soul. Soul foods always have some emotional attachments. For example, the stew our mum used to make or the cakes we loved as a child.

Some soul food can come from past lives. You may have a love of Thai or Mexican cuisine, and this love may come from a previous life in those countries. People are drawn to foods they have enjoyed in other lives. In general, foods they dislike can originate from these past connections. Maybe you spent a lifetime only eating potatoes and very little else, so this experience could have put you off potatoes forever.

Soul food feels familiar and comforting. People may think soul food means sweets and take away, but I think it is not the same for each person. The reason soul food is relevant is the effect it has on our digestion. Soul food goes down easily. Its energy feeds our energy body, and, even if those chips or chocolate are nutritionally poor, they will support the soul. Soul foods soothe us like other foods don’t. That is why people tuck into ice-cream and salty nuts when they are searching for comfort. Carrots and eggs may just not do it. I don’t advocate eating lots of junk food. Nevertheless, sometimes no other food will do. Stop punishing yourself and see that by eating these foods you are truly soothing your soul.

Soul food can be signs for us. Food can alert us to what is happening on a deeper level. When you see yourself reaching for some foods be observant. If you are eating loads of “kiddie” food, maybe your little child needs more healing. If you are trawling through stormy waters when dealing with your childhood, let yourself eat like a child. Buy yourself an ice-cream in a cone and know you are feeding the child within.

Soul food has many layers. Some are good, while others are signs for us if we choose to look. I noticed I ate soul foods when I was trying to suppress anger. It was a total revelation to me. As a child I was not allowed to express anger, and I had used food to hold my feelings down. In the past, it was a necessary crutch, but now I can be angry and express it.

Once we embark on the soul food trail much learning can occur. Some foods are purely comforting, while with other foods, its role is to suppress deeper emotions. Our soul talks to us each day. Learning to hear our inner voice will bring many understandings, and if we look behind our choices, maybe we may uncover the truth. Anger, fear and loss consistently underpin soul eating. I found that once I recognized my patterns my soul could begin to heal.


Soul colors 

Soul colors refer to the colors we are drawn to in life. Our aura is made up of a multitude of colors. I believe some colors present in our aura are from this world and there are some colors we can’t yet see in our earthly world. When we see a color on earth it comes through into our human eyes. Our pineal gland literally takes in colors. This gland can manipulate light and use it to feed our aura so that it can enter the body energetically. In seeing the colors, we also absorb them energetically. In a sense the colors feed our soul.

People are color conscious and I think we are drawn to specific colors for various reasons. On a level, we know the colors that our aura needs. The clothes we wear have a color vibration, and this vibration directly alters our aura. For example, your aura may need more green or blue to remain healthy, or maybe you need to alter your vibration by adding more of one color. I think those who choose lots of black have many dark areas already in their aura. This does not mean they are bad. It can signify negative thought forms or dark times recorded in their energy field.

If our base chakra requires more red to run well, we might find we choose to wear lots of red-colored clothes or surround ourselves in a red environment. This may happen until we have accessed enough of the particular color required.

Everyone knows the best colors for them. So choose from your heart when you color your world.

As you ascend spiritually, your choice of colors will alter. Old clothes or home décor might not resonate well any more. Be aware of this and change accordingly. If the blue room bugs you, and you crave yellow, take it as a sign of moving forward. It is human nature to hang on to things, and we can all resist change. Just remember that the colors around us directly influence us on a soul level.

Monday 16 September 2024

The Freedom of Acceptance


Lessons on the paths

On the paths, we will need to repeat certain lessons over and over again. Very often, it may be with the same person. Sometimes the person changes, while the lesson remains the same. Once the lesson is learnt the person or persons may move out of our life. Life as a human is about the lessons. We came as spiritual beings to live in the material and physical world to broaden our experiences. There are pain and loss. Life on earth is a struggle in comparison to other dimensions, and those who come are strong spirits.

Even though you may have the same lesson on different levels, this should still be seen as moving ahead. As I move through the repeat lesson, I know I am experiencing more soul growth. In this life, I chose to learn the various kinds of the same lesson. For example, I have had many lessons to do with patience. These days I don’t get disheartened when a similar lesson pops up again. The sooner we can understand the lessons we have set up for ourselves, the quicker we can get on with other work.

People complain when their lives don’t go according to plan. They believe the universe is against them. This is not the case. We agreed to work through many difficult lessons in this life. Some people opted for more than they should have. Their lives can be filled with many ups and downs. On the other side, it seemed so easy, like deciding to get fit while lying on the couch. The earth reality is very different.

If we are opting for spiritual advancement it is going to be challenging. The lessons will be harder and layered. We may sort an issue out on one level, only to be presented with it on another.

In some lives, we opt to learn how others experience the world and may choose to have a serious illness or debilitating disease. There are many advanced beings living in terrible physical bodies in an attempt to gain understanding. Some people choose to have these illnesses in an attempt to help in the advancement of science. A popular wheelchair bound celebrity was such a soul. His plight helped to further research into paralysis. He championed the cause and made great progress in the field. Once his part was done here on earth, he could return to the other side. No healing in this world could have cured him. His gift to the world was his illness, and in a sense, he lit the path for others.

On a personal level, he could comprehend the restriction of his illness and find unknown strength within himself. Many times great souls do their work in this medium, as shining examples to others. It is said that it is not that we fall, but whether we can stand up again that matters. That is what takes courage and builds the soul.

In these situations, other people often agree to come on the journey and support us. It is a mutual, karmic agreement. There is much learning for the support team as well. Soul groups like this can do much to further scientific discoveries for other similarly afflicted persons.

When the person dies, their families continue working for the cause. In human terms this can take the form of appeals, charity work and research. Those left behind know the work has to be done. It becomes their mission and they apply themselves wholeheartedly. Often, even if they are not consciously on the spiritual path, they will unabashedly tell others that the deceased is helping them from above.

We aren’t here only to buy cars and put on makeup. Soul growth and learning about the human condition are why we are on earth. We have come to expand our consciousness, balance karma and serve the planet. Many enlightened souls are here at this time to help the planet evolve. They are also dealing with their own evolvement on a personal level. We are all mini versions of the world, with all of its joy, pain, fear and anger. When we personally take up the challenge, clear our aura and raise our vibration, the world moves with us.

The turmoil in our world is reflected by the inner turmoil we feel. We live in a sea of energy. Everything is interconnected, as no person is an island. The internal work we do on ourselves contributes to and affects the energy of our world. So as we cleanse ourselves, so the earth is cleansed. More and more people are coming to an understanding of the Oneness that we exist in. No one is alone, for we change the world by our very existence.

Mother Earth is us, and we are a part of her.


Blocks to the paths

Choosing a higher path can bring up emotions, so it is important to be aware of this and be willing to move ahead. Don’t let your inner conflict stop you. By wrestling our demons and letting go of our anger, hurt or fear, we will be able to remove the emotional block and light our own path.

Intuitively, we know the emotions that are getting in the way of our progress. We  feel the fear, doubt, anger and frustration. Sometimes the sadness and hurt make movement ahead hard. This knowledge can be a powerful gift for us. For in knowing the emotion we can work at facing it and letting it go. Then our path becomes open and everything in our world can advance.

We are feeling beings. All is emotion on this plane, but that does not mean we can’t address our issues and be free of them. Once we lose one emotion another may surface. So all we do is feel it and kiss it goodbye. Fear especially paralyses us at times. Therefore, without its constricting influence we can move up to the next path of learning.

In lighting another’s path be realistic. If they have an emotional block the light might not take. That’s okay. Here on earth everyone has choices and their choice might be to sit with the emotion for a time or forever. Blocks are a real issue, particularly when we want to move up to our next path, or we reach a fork in the road. Just being aware of them might be all that is necessary for us to shift them.


Trouble lighting other’s paths

An interesting part of lighting the paths is the problems we can experience when trying to place the light. With some people, the paths I lit were easy. The long stretch of light I visualized to resurface the path went on without difficulty, and the entire process was quick. With other people, lighting their paths was hard work. Although I was sending light to their best path, it remained dim. In a few cases the light I sent would not attach to the path. Even the candles I had visualized were not lighting properly. It was like trying to light wet wood. In another scenario, I lit someone’s path, but the whole path dimmed down and went out slowly.

I mention this phenomenon because you could have trouble too. Not all want to follow their path. I realized that on some level, they did not want the lighted path. They were happy to be exactly where they were, even if they said otherwise. Don’t be surprised if you encounter these outcomes because some people will even reject the Light.

 I believe that in rejecting the Light, we reject our true self.

For others, their path has already been chosen. In a sense, there is no way back. They are too far down the track to change course, and that path now maps their future. One reason this happens is if the person is going to die soon. It is then that the path may not be altered, for it is in higher hands, so to speak. Although the light we send can help with the crossing, it does not alter the direction. It is their final path before they pass.

Lighting the path is soul work at the highest level, as we will be connecting our soul to their soul. Ultimately, in these situations their soul always has the last say. Energetic work may not be manifest here, but know that our action of love is always registered above. We might want the best for others, but until they want the best for themselves, their ability to receive is compromised. Once we accept this reality it all makes sense.


Lighting the paths

Knowing we have these path choices is empowering, especially when we can still retain our free will. However, having choices can complicate life. When we are sure of which path to follow, we have direction and purpose. Then we can steam ahead and be confident that we are heading in the direction we want to go.

The problem arises when we can’t decide which way to go. We have all reached the crossroads, trying to work out the right road to take. It is a common human condition. At these times, you can feel confused and be fearful of making a mistake knowing that going a particular way can change your life forever. We struggle with the lack of direction, and as a consequence we can feel stuck. Often what we need to do is to wait and soon the answer presents, and before we know it we are off on our way.

Still, if you receive no sense of direction, there is no need to despair for there is a spiritual solution you may be able to use. One day I just woke up knowing the solution to this dilemma. I was surprised because it was so simple and clear. To begin with you have to recognize that we are made of light. Each one of us is a soul existing in a human body. Now our soul knows what we have planned for this life, it’s our human that gets lost. I discovered the answer lies in connecting into our soul, our light body and the answer is to use the light to make the connection.

In my vision, I was shown how we can light our own path and the path of others. It is easy. To begin with, visualize your best path for this place and time. Next, you light the path. You can send light to the path or as I did, visualize candles along the sides of the path. In my case, I also visualized light being laid down on the actual path. As I could not see the end of the path, I lit it as far as I could. When I looked down the path it was bright and full of light. The light was along both sides and stretched out ahead.

Now my path was full of light, all I had to do was tell my soul body to follow the light. Our souls always work toward the Light, so I knew in time my soul would follow the lighted path, and eventually my human would know where to go. I did not worry about where or when I would walk it. I trusted that as long as I followed the Light it would give me my best outcome.

Lighting my own path had another outcome. I stopped stressing. I knew the light would assist me in being guided to my own truth. As I lit the path, I consciously connected to the light. In doing so, I was joined energetically to the light. By giving over to Spirit and surrendering, I knew I would be protected and helped.

After exploring this technique with my own path, I began to light the path of others. Of course, it was done with love and the person’s choice to receive it or not. Don’t light a path you want for them, rather light the path chosen for their greatest good. Lighting another’s path in this way is a loving and generous act. I rarely tell others the spiritual work I send. I do it with much love and always with respect for the choices they ultimately make. Remember, we are here to help and support one another; therefore, using the light is one powerful way to do this.

Before we were born, we all knew the paths we wished to take, the roads of the greatest purpose and growth. Once here it gets confusing, and at times we don’t know which way to go. Fear and doubt overtake our inner guidance, and our spiritual antennae can wobble and feel unreliable. On earth, you can’t always see the bigger picture.

By lighting the paths, we can use the light to guide us back onto our path. Just be patient and keep lighting those paths and by connecting into your soul you will find your way.


Meeting others on the path

In each life, we will be destined to meet certain people. These people will be there, whichever path we opt for. They act as our teachers, here to help us address and work through issues. Not all the people we meet are easily loved. Some of our best teachers may be those we dislike.

The most important people connections for this life need to be able to cross all the paths we choose. So for us to meet them on every path means their placement is crucial. In general, they are mostly given places in our family, the area we live in or are placed in schools or our work places. Within the family unit, the father, mother and siblings are regularly our greatest teachers. What a surprise!

There are groups of people we will meet on these paths. These soul groups are there to achieve a particular outcome or for work purposes. These will be groups of people who will choose to re-unite and, through the connection, be teachers for one another.

Destiny determines that we are stuck with them. Before we came to earth, we chose who to be with. I sometimes make a joke about it. Next time I am definitely going to choose fewer challenging individuals to spend my life with. Sure, there were lots of lessons to learn; nevertheless, I picked some tough ones this time. Nonetheless, destined to be together does not mean forever, thank goodness. In my understanding, once the lesson is complete you can choose to part.

Therefore, we have our basic group, and then the other ones on the other paths. If we are supposed to be with someone in this life, it will happen. In that situation, the person will be popping up on every path, so we won’t miss them. Besides our basic group, there will be other souls to meet along the various paths. If you choose path two, for example, you will not meet the same people on path four. This has all been factored in before we arrived on earth and each path will bring up unique contacts who will add to our growth.

We are always given free will. Even when we may be destined to meet, it does not mean we have no choice. Often, with the basic group, we may spend more or less time learning from them. It will always be up to us how far we take it. People come into our life for a reason. Whether we embrace the learning around it becomes our choice.

You have set up your own life. Destiny just helps to set the scene and where you decide to go from there determines your future.


Lost in the paths

Everyone has met those poor souls “lost in” the paths. When I refer to it as “lost in” instead of “lost on” the path, I do literally mean “in.” When we are lost on the path, there is always a chance that we can find a way out because we are moving ahead. However, “lost in” means we can’t find our way out, even with help. Whenever I see these lost souls, I see them as wandering the paths, unable to find their way out of the maze. Getting lost like this signifies serious emotional and psychological problems. Nevertheless, once lost, even the helpful advice of others can’t assist them in making it through the maze.

Recently, I attended a very sad funeral of a young father who had become addicted to alcohol and died as a result. There were about three hundred people at the funeral and during his short life not one of these people had been able to help him find his way out of his maze. 

During these times, Spirit will also send help, and even then many people can’t find their way onto one of their chosen paths. They spend their last years circling the space and see no way out. Eventually, they spiral out of human life and cross over to the other side. Of course, once healing is given the rehabilitation work commences, and their soul can access the help it requires.

Many people suicide when lost in the paths. It is as if there is no road for them to travel on, so they go “home” to find their peace. Some choose to suicide slowly by living self-destructive lifestyles and ending their lives sooner than necessary. I find it so sad to witness. For them, there is nowhere to go, but home to their God.

Some of us have been there, lost in the paths. However, we made our way back onto some path and could move ahead. Our “missing” time was temporary, and like a blimp in universal time. For others, the outcome was dire.

Never judge others lost in the wilderness, for they are still of the Light and will return to be as one again. It is an unspoken hazard of living in our dimension. Perhaps with this knowledge you can simply help a lost person understand what is happening to them and guide them onto a path, any path, to avert the inevitable.

Being on our designated path or paths is better than wandering the maze. Send light and guidance to those lost souls who find themselves in this unfortunate predicament. If you find yourself there, recognize it and make the necessary changes. Help is always available. You just have to be willing to receive it. Remember, all is possible in the world of Spirit.