Wednesday 25 September 2024


Activating gifts and knowledge from past lives 

Remembering where we have been in past lives can help us tap into a gift or skill lying dormant in our aura. The aura records everything. In recalling past lives, we can discover vast amounts of “hidden” talents.

Sometimes, we have an inkling of a latent gift. Maybe we have always wanted to sing and been too shy, or there is an artist inside us longing to paint again. You can tell when you have hit on a past-life gift. You will have a feeling of coming home. There may be some fear around learning a new skill, but there is also a sense of peace, like you have done this before. I have noticed that this feeling of familiarity comes frequently with past-life gifts. The first night I returned from my introductory massage lesson, I remember saying to my husband how it felt as though I had done this before. I knew it was not in this life, but my hands remembered the feeling. He too thought the way I was using my hands seemed strangely confident.

I am not saying we will not struggle at times to grasp the skill again and need to hone it. However, the time it takes to regain the skills is always quicker than expected. In time, we will be able to make up for lost ground and further our gift. Once we reach the place we left off in our last life, we will be well on our way.

Timing is everything in reactivating your past life gifts. You may reach important times in your life when the gift can be reactivated. Teachers in the required field will arrive, and you will have the time and space to pursue your gift. On a universal level, the scene is set, and you can begin.

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