Saturday 21 September 2024


Souls crossing other dimensions

Only on earth are we bound by time and space. We are actually able to move anywhere and at any time on a soul level. Even so, as humans this can be a hard concept to grasp.

When I do a reading and someone’s relative who has crossed over talks to me, I am working in the soul dimension. I am not tapping into my human side to connect. My human side is unable to do the connection. Only the soul can.

Just like the person who has crossed over can travel, so can we. It is only our rational mind stopping us as we let ourselves be bound by time and space. However, once we release ourselves from that concept everything is possible.

I believe there is no time. It all happens at the same “time.” It looks like a layered cake, like one lifetime upon another, each impacting on the other. These lives are happening in the same universal time and space. Once you grasp this idea of the layers one on top of the other, like a cake, it becomes very exciting. As all of our the lives are happening at the same time then any work we do on one life will directly influence the others.

For example, say you are working on releasing anger from your aura in this life. Well, in reality, you would be affecting your other lives. Of course, to strengthen the outcomes we could focus on all our lives when we do release work, and it will filter into the layers. We can simply work on something now and clear it out in the past and for the future. Wow, I got really fascinated by that concept!

You may wonder why you would even bother because there are so many other things to do here on earth. Th e reason it is important to do this kind of clearing is the impact it makes on your potential other lives. By sorting out your issues and karma now, may stop you from dragging it with you into the next life. You can finally complete the lesson. I chose not to have any more lives with my father, so instead of leaving the lessons for when I passed, I have chosen to deal with them here.

Although it is harder to work in earth’s denser vibration the rewards are greater. By doing the work on earth, it frees you up to focus on other lessons when you cross over. Generally, when you cross over much time is spent in the healing rooms where you look at your life and debrief. By working in this dimension on many issues you can fast-track and don’t need to spend so long in the healing rooms. This means you can advance your own progress and begin your work on the other side sooner.

I admit that doing the work is challenging as the energy is much denser and the rewards unclear. Still, with faith and good intentions much work can be done before we die and move into the next dimension. Our soul has greater capacities than we can ever imagine. All we need is faith and guidance, for all is possible in the eyes of Spirit.

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