Sunday 22 September 2024


Karma and Fate

Karma and fate are extrinsically linked, and if there are lessons to be learned or karma to be settled fate will prevail. There are times when karma wins and no amount of pleading or healing can alter the outcome. Over my time working in the spiritual domain, I have come to accept when some things are ordained. There are times I would want to send healing to help someone get over an illness or alleviate their suffering, and I would get the message that it was their chosen lesson, their karmic fate.

A young man who had suffered a serious injury comes to mind. Initially, I wanted to go into the hospital and give him healing. I also wanted to send him absent healing. However, my guardians informed me that he needed to experience this for he had chosen this karma. He would be paralyzed for life. It had been agreed to by him as a way to burn off his own karma and the karma of those around him, and any interference from me would be blocked. In this case, I sent him and his family love and light. I understood it had to be this way.

Even though I respected the whole process, I found it sad. Some karmic situations are fate. They are fated to happen whether we like it or not. We set them up to give us opportunities to grow and learn important lessons. How we deal with them is our lesson. Maybe, if in other lives, we have been less than generous with others; it may be our fate to walk in their shoes. Perhaps someone who showed cruelty to a person living a disadvantaged life may reincarnate into a similar life. It will be karma they earned through their actions.

Understanding the way in which karma and fate works can provide us with clarity about the whole process.

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