Thursday 26 September 2024


The Gifts 

The first opening to one past life may lead directly into another. You cannot always know where one gift begins, and the other ends. I trust that the “upstairs people,” as I call them, know best. I ask for my gifts to be used for the greatest good, and in this way, I can be sure I am heading in the right direction. The progression from one skill to another can be daunting, but quite exciting. Once one area is mastered another comes into play. Of course, we never have to go ahead, unless we want to. I have found my total trust in Spirit allowed me to be led along safely to the next place.

When I feel unsure, I tap into my feelings. If it feels right, I go ahead, if I can’t quite decide, I wait and trust guidance will come. Mostly, it is only a timing thing. Maybe we know we need to open the next gift, but the time does not feel right. It is okay to wait.

This is what happened when I was writing these books. I was anxious to complete them, so I wanted to work through the Christmas break. As fate would have it, family concerns and an inability to create any new chapters, meant nothing manifested. Once I got back to work, I realized the break had brought much clarity, and I spent the next few months completely overhauling the books.

Remember, when you are using a gift, be patient and let it evolve naturally.

Untapping old gifts can sometimes present another dilemma. Be aware of hindering your own progress. Once you have mastered a skill, there is a comfort in it, the initial fear has gone, and for the most part, it becomes easy. Letting go and moving into uncharted waters can bring up much fear.

Sometimes, when we have devoted much of our life to a chosen activity, it can be hard to let it go. I struggled when I began to do less healing work, and more writing and painting. A part of me resisted moving on. I loved doing the work and wanted to continue working as a healer/reader. I had fantasized about owning my own healing sanctuary, and was having difficulty letting go of my dream. A good friend helped me see it in another way. She felt that just because we can do something, it does not mean that we have to. It gave me permission to allow myself to acknowledge my gift as a healer/reader and yet be able to expand into other areas. So, these days a lot of my time is taken up writing books.

Where we start is rarely where we end up. Don’t stunt your own growth by being unwilling to expand into new territory.

There is another aspect to consider. People will want to pigeonhole you. For example, some are unlikely to support your decision to change your course. The people who came to me for massage, readings and healings wanted me to keep doing it. They couldn’t understand why I was now writing. Although I knew it was the next gift I had to activate, they wanted me to stay the same. I suggest that you be strong and follow your intuition.

In the process of remembering past lives and moving ahead, money can become scarce. While your new gift is developing, you may be tempted to go back to old ways. Persevere, because given time your path can also be lined with gold. Remember that all comes to those with faith.

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