Monday 16 September 2024


Lessons on the paths

On the paths, we will need to repeat certain lessons over and over again. Very often, it may be with the same person. Sometimes the person changes, while the lesson remains the same. Once the lesson is learnt the person or persons may move out of our life. Life as a human is about the lessons. We came as spiritual beings to live in the material and physical world to broaden our experiences. There are pain and loss. Life on earth is a struggle in comparison to other dimensions, and those who come are strong spirits.

Even though you may have the same lesson on different levels, this should still be seen as moving ahead. As I move through the repeat lesson, I know I am experiencing more soul growth. In this life, I chose to learn the various kinds of the same lesson. For example, I have had many lessons to do with patience. These days I don’t get disheartened when a similar lesson pops up again. The sooner we can understand the lessons we have set up for ourselves, the quicker we can get on with other work.

People complain when their lives don’t go according to plan. They believe the universe is against them. This is not the case. We agreed to work through many difficult lessons in this life. Some people opted for more than they should have. Their lives can be filled with many ups and downs. On the other side, it seemed so easy, like deciding to get fit while lying on the couch. The earth reality is very different.

If we are opting for spiritual advancement it is going to be challenging. The lessons will be harder and layered. We may sort an issue out on one level, only to be presented with it on another.

In some lives, we opt to learn how others experience the world and may choose to have a serious illness or debilitating disease. There are many advanced beings living in terrible physical bodies in an attempt to gain understanding. Some people choose to have these illnesses in an attempt to help in the advancement of science. A popular wheelchair bound celebrity was such a soul. His plight helped to further research into paralysis. He championed the cause and made great progress in the field. Once his part was done here on earth, he could return to the other side. No healing in this world could have cured him. His gift to the world was his illness, and in a sense, he lit the path for others.

On a personal level, he could comprehend the restriction of his illness and find unknown strength within himself. Many times great souls do their work in this medium, as shining examples to others. It is said that it is not that we fall, but whether we can stand up again that matters. That is what takes courage and builds the soul.

In these situations, other people often agree to come on the journey and support us. It is a mutual, karmic agreement. There is much learning for the support team as well. Soul groups like this can do much to further scientific discoveries for other similarly afflicted persons.

When the person dies, their families continue working for the cause. In human terms this can take the form of appeals, charity work and research. Those left behind know the work has to be done. It becomes their mission and they apply themselves wholeheartedly. Often, even if they are not consciously on the spiritual path, they will unabashedly tell others that the deceased is helping them from above.

We aren’t here only to buy cars and put on makeup. Soul growth and learning about the human condition are why we are on earth. We have come to expand our consciousness, balance karma and serve the planet. Many enlightened souls are here at this time to help the planet evolve. They are also dealing with their own evolvement on a personal level. We are all mini versions of the world, with all of its joy, pain, fear and anger. When we personally take up the challenge, clear our aura and raise our vibration, the world moves with us.

The turmoil in our world is reflected by the inner turmoil we feel. We live in a sea of energy. Everything is interconnected, as no person is an island. The internal work we do on ourselves contributes to and affects the energy of our world. So as we cleanse ourselves, so the earth is cleansed. More and more people are coming to an understanding of the Oneness that we exist in. No one is alone, for we change the world by our very existence.

Mother Earth is us, and we are a part of her.

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