Monday 16 September 2024


Meeting others on the path

In each life, we will be destined to meet certain people. These people will be there, whichever path we opt for. They act as our teachers, here to help us address and work through issues. Not all the people we meet are easily loved. Some of our best teachers may be those we dislike.

The most important people connections for this life need to be able to cross all the paths we choose. So for us to meet them on every path means their placement is crucial. In general, they are mostly given places in our family, the area we live in or are placed in schools or our work places. Within the family unit, the father, mother and siblings are regularly our greatest teachers. What a surprise!

There are groups of people we will meet on these paths. These soul groups are there to achieve a particular outcome or for work purposes. These will be groups of people who will choose to re-unite and, through the connection, be teachers for one another.

Destiny determines that we are stuck with them. Before we came to earth, we chose who to be with. I sometimes make a joke about it. Next time I am definitely going to choose fewer challenging individuals to spend my life with. Sure, there were lots of lessons to learn; nevertheless, I picked some tough ones this time. Nonetheless, destined to be together does not mean forever, thank goodness. In my understanding, once the lesson is complete you can choose to part.

Therefore, we have our basic group, and then the other ones on the other paths. If we are supposed to be with someone in this life, it will happen. In that situation, the person will be popping up on every path, so we won’t miss them. Besides our basic group, there will be other souls to meet along the various paths. If you choose path two, for example, you will not meet the same people on path four. This has all been factored in before we arrived on earth and each path will bring up unique contacts who will add to our growth.

We are always given free will. Even when we may be destined to meet, it does not mean we have no choice. Often, with the basic group, we may spend more or less time learning from them. It will always be up to us how far we take it. People come into our life for a reason. Whether we embrace the learning around it becomes our choice.

You have set up your own life. Destiny just helps to set the scene and where you decide to go from there determines your future.

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