Sunday 22 September 2024


Sacred Karmic Debt 

This is a very powerful type of karma. Sacred karmic debt means we agree to a huge karmic undertaking. The reason I call it sacred is because it is working in the sacred space of the spiritual world.

Karma is fairly easy to do. We may not like doing it, but there is an acceptance and a knowing. With sacred karmic debt, the outlay is enormous and quite daunting, especially from a human perspective. The debts to be paid are so big that during our normal human life, we wouldn’t contemplate paying them.

A few years ago, I was involved in a sacred debt situation with some old friends. They were pensioners who had an ill daughter living in another city. The mother had terminal cancer and wanted to die in peace knowing that her daughter had a roof over her head. In one of our visits, she asked us to buy a house for her daughter to live in. In that defining moment, we knew that we had to do this and simply agreed. Of course, from a human point of view it seemed like a crazy idea. We were living on one full wage and my small earning, whilst trying to raise three boys. However, we were okay with the arrangement as it felt strangely right. In time, the mother and daughter passed away, and the house became ours. In addition, as part of the contract, we have taken our bereaved friend under our wings. On a soul level, we know it is what his wife would have wanted, and we know we are paying back a special sacred karma.

I include this example to help explain a sacred contract. We will recognize it by the ease with which we acquiesce. When asked to buy a house for another person most would run away, but we understood it had to be done and went about purchasing it. Our last part of the sacred debt was taking loving care of our widowed friend.

Although the stories will vary, they will achieve the same outcome. Sacred karma is a special kind of bond, which is planned before we arrive and requires a great deal of trust between the two parties. In a sense, it is an act of sacred trust between souls.

Sacred karma is truly working on the highest level one can.

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