Monday 23 September 2024


Karma across the Dimensions 

An unusual balancing of karma can happen from one dimension to the other which I refer to as “dimensional burn-off.” Sometimes certain people die before karma can be settled. Maybe, they were supposed to pay it back. However, when the situation arose, they chose not to deliver and subsequently ran out of time. These karmic debts don’t just go away because one person dies. I believe that even in death karmic debt remains. Once people cross over to the other side, they can see their former life very clearly. It is from this dimension that they may choose to pay back their debt. There are many spiritual beings trying to pay their debts to us on the earth plane. They may be trying to help us financially by working their magic, so that our life is made better. At times we may have sensed them trying to help us.

In spite of this, there is an important spiritual truth that we need to be aware of. If we have karmic debt with another, and they die before it is settled, the debt remains. In future lives, it will return to be resolved. The implications are enormous. Both parties will have to address the karma again until it is balanced. It could take many lives before resolution is reached. However, this process can be short-circuited. Just because we are on earth and the person who has crossed over is in another dimension does not preclude resolution, as long as we allow the karma to be settled.

It is beneficial for the deceased to be given a chance to pay the karma by actively assisting the person living. It aids in their spiritual growth. Nevertheless, to be effective, the help has to be received by the living party.

It is a great idea, but it can be blocked by us. We have the capacity to block energetic help for we have free will on earth. Our anger, hurt and disappointment with the deceased can be so strong that the person wishing to send help from the other side cannot reach us. If a soul decides to make amends, but the human involved is unwilling to receive assistance, then only so much can be done.

This is where you come in. If you sense the deceased around, and don’t let them help, the debt remains. It is in your and their best interest to allow the help to be received. By doing so, you assist in their healing and allow the debt to clear. It can be hard to let in help from someone who has hurt you. Our human side holds grudges and resentment. Try to keep in mind that on a spiritual basis, it is an extremely evolved kind of karma burning. I consider it to be a unique form of forgiveness that transcends time and space.

It takes great courage and strength to settle karma in this manner. Spiritually, we can make huge growth when we allow healing of this kind to occur.

There is another aspect to dimensional karma clearing. Once the karma is burned, the deceased can move on. Often we can hold up the progress of others on the spiritual plane by not allowing them to rectify a situation that they are held responsible for.

Our life is also improved, for in the balancing of karma we can set off with less baggage, and our time and energy can be utilized in more productive ways.

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