Monday 16 September 2024


Lighting the paths

Knowing we have these path choices is empowering, especially when we can still retain our free will. However, having choices can complicate life. When we are sure of which path to follow, we have direction and purpose. Then we can steam ahead and be confident that we are heading in the direction we want to go.

The problem arises when we can’t decide which way to go. We have all reached the crossroads, trying to work out the right road to take. It is a common human condition. At these times, you can feel confused and be fearful of making a mistake knowing that going a particular way can change your life forever. We struggle with the lack of direction, and as a consequence we can feel stuck. Often what we need to do is to wait and soon the answer presents, and before we know it we are off on our way.

Still, if you receive no sense of direction, there is no need to despair for there is a spiritual solution you may be able to use. One day I just woke up knowing the solution to this dilemma. I was surprised because it was so simple and clear. To begin with you have to recognize that we are made of light. Each one of us is a soul existing in a human body. Now our soul knows what we have planned for this life, it’s our human that gets lost. I discovered the answer lies in connecting into our soul, our light body and the answer is to use the light to make the connection.

In my vision, I was shown how we can light our own path and the path of others. It is easy. To begin with, visualize your best path for this place and time. Next, you light the path. You can send light to the path or as I did, visualize candles along the sides of the path. In my case, I also visualized light being laid down on the actual path. As I could not see the end of the path, I lit it as far as I could. When I looked down the path it was bright and full of light. The light was along both sides and stretched out ahead.

Now my path was full of light, all I had to do was tell my soul body to follow the light. Our souls always work toward the Light, so I knew in time my soul would follow the lighted path, and eventually my human would know where to go. I did not worry about where or when I would walk it. I trusted that as long as I followed the Light it would give me my best outcome.

Lighting my own path had another outcome. I stopped stressing. I knew the light would assist me in being guided to my own truth. As I lit the path, I consciously connected to the light. In doing so, I was joined energetically to the light. By giving over to Spirit and surrendering, I knew I would be protected and helped.

After exploring this technique with my own path, I began to light the path of others. Of course, it was done with love and the person’s choice to receive it or not. Don’t light a path you want for them, rather light the path chosen for their greatest good. Lighting another’s path in this way is a loving and generous act. I rarely tell others the spiritual work I send. I do it with much love and always with respect for the choices they ultimately make. Remember, we are here to help and support one another; therefore, using the light is one powerful way to do this.

Before we were born, we all knew the paths we wished to take, the roads of the greatest purpose and growth. Once here it gets confusing, and at times we don’t know which way to go. Fear and doubt overtake our inner guidance, and our spiritual antennae can wobble and feel unreliable. On earth, you can’t always see the bigger picture.

By lighting the paths, we can use the light to guide us back onto our path. Just be patient and keep lighting those paths and by connecting into your soul you will find your way.

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