Tuesday 24 September 2024


Past lives 

We are all of our past lives. They are encoded in our aura and define us; therefore, knowing about these lives can enrich this life. When I began this work, I was not terribly interested in past lives. Naively, I thought they were about the past and had little impact on my present life. How wrong I was!

Over the years, I began to recognize the enormous wealth of information stored in those lifetimes. Past lives are like the keys to our soul, opening doorways to untapped gifts, experiences and occupations. Knowledge of even one life can shine the light on aspects of us that we have not yet accessed. Everyone will have numerous past lives to draw on. In human terms, there are some souls who have spent hundreds of lives on earth, while others have spent countless lives in other dimensions.

I remember going to a herbalist who had a psychic gift. At the end of the session, he asked me if I looked at the stars. He then continued to tell me that my soul seed originated in the constellation of Orion’s Belt. At that time, I had not embarked upon my healing path, and I must admit it sounded weird to me. These days I am grateful for his insights, and it now makes perfect sense.

It’s an interesting concept to imagine we aren’t from here. The reality is that just because we live as “Bob” in this life, it doesn’t mean we haven’t come from other galaxies. I know this information is like science fiction for some people, but as we vibrate faster, it will seem like common knowledge to us.

People can struggle with the concept of living past lives in other places besides earth. We have been taught earth is the centre of the universe. In this century, there are many from other galaxies and worlds living on earth. Although I have not seen them in the normal sense of seeing, I feel their presence. A few of my friends are very aware of their existence and can describe them in detail. One psychic friend has a family of blue visitors, while another has a group of very tall, almost opaque bluish beings near her. My friends who see these visitors feel unphased by the whole thing.

Lots of beings are on earth to help. They take different forms. Some can be seen by others, while some are actually here in a human form. Have you ever thought you could have been in other dimensions? If you are from other worlds the earth can feel unfamiliar. By drawing on your past lives you may be able to remember other realities. When we have had many past lives in other galaxies, we may wonder why people here do what they do, as it might seem strange to us. You can access these past-life existences and use the knowledge in this life. Once you are open to the idea you may have come from another dimension, your soul will be free to let more information flow in.

Of course, our life now is human. However, our soul contains all we have already experienced, so tapping into these past lives will be well worth it.

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