Monday 16 September 2024


Blocks to the paths

Choosing a higher path can bring up emotions, so it is important to be aware of this and be willing to move ahead. Don’t let your inner conflict stop you. By wrestling our demons and letting go of our anger, hurt or fear, we will be able to remove the emotional block and light our own path.

Intuitively, we know the emotions that are getting in the way of our progress. We  feel the fear, doubt, anger and frustration. Sometimes the sadness and hurt make movement ahead hard. This knowledge can be a powerful gift for us. For in knowing the emotion we can work at facing it and letting it go. Then our path becomes open and everything in our world can advance.

We are feeling beings. All is emotion on this plane, but that does not mean we can’t address our issues and be free of them. Once we lose one emotion another may surface. So all we do is feel it and kiss it goodbye. Fear especially paralyses us at times. Therefore, without its constricting influence we can move up to the next path of learning.

In lighting another’s path be realistic. If they have an emotional block the light might not take. That’s okay. Here on earth everyone has choices and their choice might be to sit with the emotion for a time or forever. Blocks are a real issue, particularly when we want to move up to our next path, or we reach a fork in the road. Just being aware of them might be all that is necessary for us to shift them.

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