Monday 16 September 2024


Lost in the paths

Everyone has met those poor souls “lost in” the paths. When I refer to it as “lost in” instead of “lost on” the path, I do literally mean “in.” When we are lost on the path, there is always a chance that we can find a way out because we are moving ahead. However, “lost in” means we can’t find our way out, even with help. Whenever I see these lost souls, I see them as wandering the paths, unable to find their way out of the maze. Getting lost like this signifies serious emotional and psychological problems. Nevertheless, once lost, even the helpful advice of others can’t assist them in making it through the maze.

Recently, I attended a very sad funeral of a young father who had become addicted to alcohol and died as a result. There were about three hundred people at the funeral and during his short life not one of these people had been able to help him find his way out of his maze. 

During these times, Spirit will also send help, and even then many people can’t find their way onto one of their chosen paths. They spend their last years circling the space and see no way out. Eventually, they spiral out of human life and cross over to the other side. Of course, once healing is given the rehabilitation work commences, and their soul can access the help it requires.

Many people suicide when lost in the paths. It is as if there is no road for them to travel on, so they go “home” to find their peace. Some choose to suicide slowly by living self-destructive lifestyles and ending their lives sooner than necessary. I find it so sad to witness. For them, there is nowhere to go, but home to their God.

Some of us have been there, lost in the paths. However, we made our way back onto some path and could move ahead. Our “missing” time was temporary, and like a blimp in universal time. For others, the outcome was dire.

Never judge others lost in the wilderness, for they are still of the Light and will return to be as one again. It is an unspoken hazard of living in our dimension. Perhaps with this knowledge you can simply help a lost person understand what is happening to them and guide them onto a path, any path, to avert the inevitable.

Being on our designated path or paths is better than wandering the maze. Send light and guidance to those lost souls who find themselves in this unfortunate predicament. If you find yourself there, recognize it and make the necessary changes. Help is always available. You just have to be willing to receive it. Remember, all is possible in the world of Spirit.

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