Monday 23 September 2024


Burning Karmic Debt 

If karmic debt is interesting, burning karma is even more fascinating. People aren’t aware that the amount of karma we burn is in our own hands. We can burn off more karma on our earth plane than we realize, and in doing so, will accelerate our own spiritual progress. Burning karma means doing the work needed to complete and erase the debt. By burning the karma in this life, it is not necessary to come back and settle the debt in another life. Although it can be harder to work on some spiritual aspects here in the denseness of earth, the rewards are greater.

I believe that whenever we can’t, or won’t forgive, the karma may remain. The “unforgiveness” becomes like a tie between you and the others. This tie can span lifetimes. In some cases, not forgiving holds the karma in place. In our society, we are encouraged to think that not forgiving another person is quite okay. However, not forgiving keeps the karma flame burning bright.

In my experience, some of the greatest karma that can be burned comes from that one act, the act of forgiveness. Forgiving is difficult, even impossible for some individuals. Be that as it may, in forgiving the person or persons the karma can finally be over. I believe that until we can release the anger and hurt that are keeping the “unforgiveness” in place, we can’t move on.

By not forgiving, we continue to be connected energetically to the relationship or situation. In this way, the issue stays in our life, and if we don’t let go, we won’t move on.

People aren’t always aware that we can also burn karma with those who have passed. By forgiving those already on the other side, we don’t have to wait until we cross over. This has a dualistic benefit as both parties can move on.

Another common area where karma exists is in power situations. For the karma to be burned, a balancing of power needs to be achieved. Once the power imbalance is righted, each person can stand on their own feet and make their own choices. Often, after this karma is burned, the relationship finishes and each party is free to move ahead to deal with the next lesson.

An interesting kind of karma burning involves burning good karma. In my life, I have found doing this means you do good even when the person or situation does not really deserve it. In using the term “not deserve it” I am coming from a more human perspective. Burning good karma is being kind, generous and loving to those whom we think don’t deserve it. In a spiritual sense, it means working on a higher, soul level.

Burning good karma has very few obvious rewards on earth, but it is a higher way to work. I think it’s when our human does not get to scream, rant and rave when it wants. Instead, we bow to a higher power and choose to be loving. For this karma to be burnt properly we have to be sincere in our intention. We can’t be just fake.

Over the years, I have worked on burning good karma. In some way it did feel better than being my human self, and I think it taught me to be more at peace with others and their choices.

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