Tuesday 17 September 2024


Soul Vibration 

We may like to think we only affect our own little world, but this is untrue for our actions have a direct vibrational effect on others. What happens in our backyard resonates throughout the universe. This is a positive and negative aspect of universal law.

The negative aspect is obvious, because the fear, hate and anger in other people can permeate our auras and lower our own vibrations. Still, on the brighter side the positive part is that as we raise our own vibration, so the world’s vibration is also raised. The earth’s vibration has been directly increased by all the work done by individuals raising their own vibration. In the past, the monks and gurus knew about energy. Th ey prayed and meditated in order to raise the vibrations and in their own quiet way they were already preparing the world for change.

Keep working on your own development because you are helping the world in raising its vibration. With higher vibration, you become closer to the celestial beings and the knowledge stored above.

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