Monday 16 September 2024


Trouble lighting other’s paths

An interesting part of lighting the paths is the problems we can experience when trying to place the light. With some people, the paths I lit were easy. The long stretch of light I visualized to resurface the path went on without difficulty, and the entire process was quick. With other people, lighting their paths was hard work. Although I was sending light to their best path, it remained dim. In a few cases the light I sent would not attach to the path. Even the candles I had visualized were not lighting properly. It was like trying to light wet wood. In another scenario, I lit someone’s path, but the whole path dimmed down and went out slowly.

I mention this phenomenon because you could have trouble too. Not all want to follow their path. I realized that on some level, they did not want the lighted path. They were happy to be exactly where they were, even if they said otherwise. Don’t be surprised if you encounter these outcomes because some people will even reject the Light.

 I believe that in rejecting the Light, we reject our true self.

For others, their path has already been chosen. In a sense, there is no way back. They are too far down the track to change course, and that path now maps their future. One reason this happens is if the person is going to die soon. It is then that the path may not be altered, for it is in higher hands, so to speak. Although the light we send can help with the crossing, it does not alter the direction. It is their final path before they pass.

Lighting the path is soul work at the highest level, as we will be connecting our soul to their soul. Ultimately, in these situations their soul always has the last say. Energetic work may not be manifest here, but know that our action of love is always registered above. We might want the best for others, but until they want the best for themselves, their ability to receive is compromised. Once we accept this reality it all makes sense.

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