Sunday 15 September 2024


The Garden of Remembrance

The Garden of Remembrance exists in the ethereal planes, and it is there that we decided our life’s mission. Before we arrived on earth we sat with other light beings and planned our visions for this next life. However, once we entered the earth plane the memories of this time were erased and most of us have no memory of our visit, let alone the plans we made.

It is important to realize that we planned our life because it means that what happens to us is what we wanted to happen. In the garden, we set out several paths and many choices for our present life. When I first realized I had agreed to the life I had lived, it was a bitter pill to swallow. I mean parts of my life had been awful, and it took time for me to come to terms with my new reality, and the fact I had really agreed to all that had occurred in my life. Therefore, I suggest you take time to come to this understanding of your life’s paths.

People unfairly blame other people, God or the universe, for their difficult times. Just the same, on a universal level it does not work that way. We planned our lessons and paths; we cannot blame anyone else. I think to take responsibility for that can be quite challenging, especially for our human side.

In the garden, we decided who we would meet, where it would be and when it would occur. Of course, we did leave some room for us to move and negotiate. Still, we set it all up. When we made the plans in the garden, we made it through our soul mind. We were not constricted by the human mind or the denseness of earth.

Now the soul can be like a big bulldozer, as it knows what has to be achieved and the lessons to be learned. I am sure my guardians tried to explain how hard various things I had chosen to do were going to be. However, I was not thinking about the human condition there in the garden. I am sure my soul just took over and thought it would all be fine.

Once on earth most of us realize that we have bitten off more than we can chew and feel that back in the garden we may have opted for more challenges than we should have. The human always opts for the easiest and least painful journey. It goes with being human and feeds our way of thinking, which is predominately based on fear. Given that, I feel that we are still human and ought to be kind, rather than harsh on ourselves. It has been said that we never ask for more than we can carry, and I do believe this to be true, but that is not how it feels some days. Whilst working through hard times may feel lonely and difficult, please remember that you are never alone. Help is always available to you if you seek it.

When things are tough try to avoid the “victim attitude” because nothing is ever “done” to you. All is as it needs to be. Keep in mind that somewhere back in the garden these lessons were put in place by you and your guides.

I own all of my life. I am not a victim. Only if I refuse to learn the lesson do I become one, a victim of my own making. When I struggle with life I ask myself what am I supposed to learn from this event, what have I set up to look at in my life? Then I can focus on my learning and not get bogged down in feeling sorry for myself. Of course, it is normal to whine and complain, and so I just let it be over quickly, so I can move ahead and do the lesson.

Sometimes, we will set a very difficult life with considerable growth. Other lives can be what I refer to as the rest and recreation life, an easy, non-taxing path. You may have met some people opting for this life. Everything goes smoothly. It is simple with no dramas or big lessons for them. The rest and recreation life is like a pit stop. Maybe you have some friends enjoying the rest and recreation lives. One of my dearest friends has been sailing through and enjoying this kind of life. My life, on the other hand, has been like a never-ending soapie, while her life has been calm and without many dramas.

Initially, I did not get it, and I could not understand why her life was so easy and mine seemed so rocky. Now it makes sense. I had not chosen the rest and recreation life, she had. Having her with me has been wonderful. Her support and love have made it so much more bearable, maybe more for me than for her. Treasure such friendships. These souls have chosen to spend their lives helping us with ours. They can be the calm in our storm. What a gift, what a love!

There is another life choice I call the compressed one. It seems like the rest and recreation life. All goes well at the beginning of the person’s life. Everything is lovely and without problems. Then, at a designated time, hell breaks loose. Instead of having the difficulties spread out, in this life we opt for a condensed version. Normally, we choose the compressed life when we want to burn lots of karma in a few months or years, instead of spreading it out over a life-time. I believe all the parties involved would have agreed to this compressed version. We would have witnessed families dealing with one thing after the other. In general, with the compressed version, life becomes very challenging and everything seems to happen all at once.

The compressed life is extremely difficult because we have little or no time to recover. When you set this life up you would have placed people around you to give assistance. Remember to recognize who they are. Keep in mind that you don’t have to do it alone. Friends, family and health practitioners are always near, so use the support available.

Our spiritual guardians are there waiting for our call. Much help can be given by these wonderful beings. Ask for assistance regularly, and try to connect with them to receive healing and guidance. Remember, support can be given by those in other dimensions, including loved ones who are no longer earth-bound. In my readings, ancestors from people’s families have come forward offering help. Quite often these ancestors were unknown to the person I was reading. A couple of times, I could see lines of relatives from the person’s extended family waiting to help, so ask, and you will receive.

I have frequently made a joke about the life I have chosen this time, remarking that next life before I come down, I will definitely read the small print. I feel my soul made choices my human has struggled with. You might have times here when you feel like me. Still, through it all, I know I can find my way and so can you.

Think of the Garden of Remembrance with love and reverence. It is a wondrous place. Here is where your journey began and here is where it will end, in a place of light and love.

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