Friday 13 September 2024

 The Human and the Soul 

We are both human and soul living on earth. Our soul is eternal, and we are in human form to learn our lessons. Many of us have spent numerous lives on earth, while some of us have been here only a few times. Some of the young souls visiting the earth at this time are adjusting to life in this dimension. The atmosphere here is very dense in comparison to other dimensions, and it can be a struggle. These souls have come to bring new energies and wisdom to our world. Young souls struggle with how we do things in this dimension. Often they voice frustration when they can see better ways to do the same thing. Having lived in other dimensions, our world seems slow and the way we do things somewhat stupid. Time and again, young souls will question why they are here and what it is it all about. At the same time, old souls have returned to assist and help with the earth changes. 

Old souls are easy to spot, even when they are babes. They have a certain quality about them, a knowing that exudes from them. I think we intuitively know on a deeper level, whether we have been on earth many times before, or whether this visit is a relatively new experience for us. It does not matter whether you are an old or young soul. Every visit you make helps you gather more knowledge and learning. I think old souls seem more settled in the earth’s atmosphere, as it is familiar to them. After centuries of traveling through the world, they accept the way things operate and can flex with all the complexities of earthly life. This acceptance makes it easier for them to cope with the problems that living in this dimension can create.

 Our soul is contained in the human form. Some call it our spirit. It sits in our physical body, flowing out into our aura. The soul is not confined to time and space like our human form. As a human we can’t be in more than one place at a time and our physical body can’t move into another dimension. Time also dictates where we are. For example, we can’t be in the future or the past. However, our soul is not bound by these considerations. It can move out of our physical space and travel through other dimensions. This is a new concept to some people. The reason the soul can move is because it is an energy that can leave the physical body. The physical body is very dense, like a heavy weight, so it can’t move out of the aura. On the other hand, the soul vibrates at a much higher rate. Therefore, it leaves the aura with ease. We know on some level that this happens. For example, sometimes when you meditate or just before you fall asleep you can’t feel your body. It is like you are floating above the body. It’s an unreal feeling. It is then that the soul has lifted out of the aura. The same thing happens when people are in car accidents or suffer trauma. Soldiers or victims of abuse can temporarily leave their physical body until the danger is past. The reason the soul slips out is because it does not want to be damaged.

 Our soul is, in fact, very delicate, and it can be damaged forever. It has to last through the ages, and so we have learned how to protect it in times of need. After the trauma has passed, the soul slides back into the physical body, unscathed and intact. For the most part, we re-enter properly, although sometimes we come back in and don’t get it quite right. This is when people struggle with post-traumatic stress and other problems. It is because the soul is not sitting correctly in the aura. Occasionally, over time, the soul can re-adjust. If not, healing and energy balancing can help the soul body to sit properly once again in the aura. 

 Once we understand how differently the human and soul operate on earth it is easier to understand our own life. So, we work from two perspectives, soul and human. The soul has been our vehicle through time and space, while the human form will only last for about eighty years. In our daily lives, we function from both structures. At times we live very much in the human condition, and other times we operate mostly from the soul. It is important to know that many of us choose to work predominately in one or the other way, either living as a soul in the physical body or as a human with little concern for our soul life. 

Either way is fine, for each of us is on earth to learn various lessons and either vehicle can assist with our learning. I am clearly a soul first kind of person. I run my life through my soul body, and, in a sense, my human nature has less to say. Soul first people follow their gut feelings. They tap into their soul for the answers and are often interested in the esoteric aspect of life. All my decisions have to feel right, even if my human side does not agree. In essence, I follow my heart.

 Human first people think it through logically using the left side of their brain to come to their conclusions, and their gut feelings are not considered so important. They like to live in the more tangible aspects of life and immerse themselves fully into the humanness of life. If they have an important decision to make the head will win over the heart. It is not important whether you run your life as soul or human. Nevertheless, it is important that you recognize how you do it as this awareness will help you to understand your life’s journey. 

 Once you work out your own stance, it becomes easy to see where your family and friends are coming from. By understanding those around us, we begin to make sense of it all. I had struggled with this aspect of life before the “lights went on.” Now I know who is working through the soul body and who is working through the human one, and I can adapt to how I relate to each person. Before, I was trying to relate to everyone not understanding where they were coming from. Th is revelation has made life so much easier. When I am with my soul friends we can talk and share in a soul way, and we talk about our feelings and aspirations. In a sense our souls speak to each other. When I am with my human friends, conversation relates to earthly topics like the family and current events. We can talk about the latest movie or renovating the house, essentially we keep it all very 3D, as I like to call it. Once I could see who was who, and where I stood in the whole thing, life became less confusing. I could just switch when necessary. I did not change myself all the time, but adjusted myself to the particular situation. 

 Life on earth can be challenging, yet once I realized this truth it all became simpler. In addition, we all have an inherent order that we are more comfortable with. For example, I am calm and happy to run my life through the soul part. If I always had to use only my human part, I would begin to feel unbalanced. My best balance is soul, then human. Another person might function best expressing their life from a human perspective, rather than soul. One is no better than the other. It is apples or oranges. It’s all to do with the individual. Do it the best way for you, and let others make their own choices.  In different phases of our life, we will also change the order. Sometimes we need to experience the world in very human terms, while another situation might need a soul first approach. 

 If you decide to be soul first it is important to give balance to your world by incorporating humanness. This could include doing everyday activities and embracing all the human world has to offer. I love to shop for clothes and play around with the material aspects of life, and these things are no less important than meditating. The importance is the balance we can create - mind, body and soul, each supporting the other. Finding out where you fit in will bring clarity to your personal life. It will also bring understanding to your other relationships. Knowing who the oranges are, and who are the apples will be enlightening. One of the greatest gift s in life is when you truly understand yourself and those around you.

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