Saturday 14 September 2024


Soul essence

I believe we all have our individual soul essence. By essence, I mean the inner core of our aura. There are people vibrating at various frequencies and in that way they are dissimilar; but by soul essence, I refer to being made of a different core.

I first encountered this when I had scanned my friend’s husband and could psychically see his inner core. I could see an enormous, clear crystal sitting within his aura. It was amazing to see this beautiful, long diamond crystal shining in the middle of his energy body. It was then I realized I was seeing his soul essence. I remembered he had a fascination with crystals and the mineral world. He was even working in the mining industry at the time. Those carrying the crystal essences are seekers of knowledge, especially in the fields of science and technology. Accustomed to past lives where the use of crystals abounded, they are intrigued by new and revolutionary gadgets. These are typically the inventors of our world. Crystal essences thrive on computer games and all things scientific and are found working in these areas. As crystal essences lived previously in Atlantis and Egypt, they bring with them the gifts and inventions of those advanced civilizations.

Another essence I have witnessed is the angelic essence. Angel essence has a gentle quality to it. There is strength, and it resonates with a thin, fine light. Angel essence is sensitive and soft. Their aural core is like a twinkling, shimmering light. Light emanates from everywhere. It streams out from their core shining into the world. If you could see them psychically they simply shine with a light that seems to have no beginning and no end. At this time, there are many “earth angels” here. They have come to enlighten and help with spiritual growth. Some know their purpose. Some have no idea. Recently, a clairvoyant I know could see the wings emanating from a person on the bus. She was seeing his soul essence. Although he appeared as a young man in an army uniform, he was, in fact, an earth angel. I think he was unaware of his special purpose.

The earth people are here too. The earth essence people are very connected to the earth, and they have a stable, practical quality to them. In past lives, they may have been farmers, nomads or medicine men. Environmental issues and animal rights mainly feature in their life’s work. Resilient and down to earth, they are involved with Mother Nature. Usually these souls don’t seek the spiritual path like others as they are content just to know the truths of life and live in a simple way. They might champion causes, but not be too worried about personal and spiritual learning.

There are other essences residing on earth at this time whose purpose is unlike the essences above. They originate from Atlantis and Lemuria. These souls are more active politically, and they are to be found organizing change around the globe. At times, it means upheaval and chaos. All around the world we can witness these hot spots. I have noticed that their aura is frequently red with anger and frustration.

Soul essence varies from person to person. When you think of your family and friends you will see the variations. Often we attract our matching essence to us in life, as well as the counterpart. An angelic essence is frequently living with an earth essence. They give strength and balance to each other. Our children may display several essences in the same family group. I believe I have a crystal and an earth in my family.

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