Friday 13 September 2024

 Understanding the Spiritual Crisis 

A spiritual crisis can occur when there is dysfunction between the human side and the soul. It commonly takes the form of some kind of breakdown and mainly manifests around the time a big decision is about to be made. Our souls decide their purpose in this human life before they come into the earth plane. Some special ones have come to do some extraordinary work. However, once hitting the earth dimension they can forget why they are here and what they agreed to do while on earth. Sometimes, there comes a time when we are supposed to be fulfilling our soul’s destiny, except that our human has forgotten. It is then the spiritual crisis can arise. 

Spiritual crisis refers to a situation in which we are resisting our true learning or purpose. If we are supposed to be working from a soul perspective and keep living only in the human world, a crisis will emerge. Once on earth we all have free will. Still, souls can become confused and distracted and all manner of things can go wrong when we forget our true purpose. Functioning from a soul level can make our life more difficult. It is hard to be different, and it is understandable to want to be like everyone else, especially when young. We all want to belong. Added to this, operating through our human side has many benefits. 

Most importantly, we don’t stick out like a sore thumb. By dumbing down our spiritual side, we may make it into the “cool” group. For those of us who have craved acceptance from our childhood, this outcome can be very attractive. Being like everyone else brings with it some comfort and sense of belonging, which is a basic human trait. The human life can also offer some tangible and material gains. In our pursuit of the material, we can receive acceptance and respect from others. Being able to channel or meditate does not hold much power in this space, whereas new cars, holidays and status give us entry to those exclusively human groups. Having come in with a soul first personality means we have probably inherited our parents` or grandparents` psychic gifts as the gift is generally pass down the line. You may have some issues with these gifts. Maybe you don’t want to be psychic or “see” pictures in your head. Just because we are born with the gift does not mean we want it. On a relationship level, you may be in a loving partnership in which the soul side of you doesn’t easily fit. Your partner might think all this spiritual stuff is nonsense. So where does that leave you? 

We always have a choice, whether or not we fulfill our purpose on earth. Th e spiritual crisis comes when we literally have to make that choice, and a battle between the human and soul can take place. In my experience, we generally give ourselves a few chances to follow our soul path before the crisis occurs. The spiritual crisis is our way of waking ourselves up. We would have set it up before we arrived on earth, and if we reached a certain point in time and had not begun our journey, we would have set up an opportunity to do so. Our soul path or life mission was decided in the Garden of Remembrance prior to arriving on earth. I shall speak more about the garden in a later chapter.

 Going through a spiritual crisis can be a traumatic time involving emotional turmoil and much angst, as there can be confusion and a sense of being lost. Essentially, we are only coming back to our true selves and returning to our essence. When one resists being a soul person and tries living like a human first, one can create a lot of stress in their life. If you are going through a spiritual crisis the only way out is to recognize what is happening and seek to find your direction and follow your true destiny. During this time remember you have set up this situation to guide you back to yourself. 

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