Saturday 14 September 2024


Soul eyes

We have two levels of seeing, the human eyes and the soul eyes. We all know that we see with our human eyes. We look and our brain tells us what we see. It is a simple mechanism to help us function in the human world. We all use it daily, and it serves us well when we need to work, shop and do emotionless activities.

Soul eyes are different. They refer to a way of looking at the world. When we see with our soul eyes we see what the soul sees, not only what the human sees. I liken it to viewing the world through our spiritual body. Once you begin to activate your soul eyes your ability to see will astound you.

The human sight is from the narrow, human perspective, while soul eyes see all that is. Of course, the soul eyes use the two physical eyes too. We look at someone and we see both from a human and soul level. With soul sight, we have a feeling about what we are seeing, and we sense what is not being shown. Even when presented with a narrow view, we will see it all clearly and have a panoramic understanding of what is really happening. Soul eyes give us the whole picture, and sadly, we might find that all that glistens is not gold.

Looking with soul eyes shines light on what is hidden. These days I am quiet about what I really see. Most of the time it is unnecessary to say a word. If you are with others who only employ human eyes, they won’t be able to see what you do, so discussion will be useless. Soul eyes are excellent for doing readings and any energy work and the more you work in this sphere, the greater your sight becomes.

Remember, that when we meet a new person the soul eye contact is very important. On the initial meeting, you read with the soul, as the human has little information to go on.

Everyone has met someone and immediately liked or disliked them due to the soul eye connection. Our eyes truly are the windows to our soul.

Power can be displayed via the soul eyes. Typically, these individuals will almost stare you down in an effort to make you look away. When this used to happen to me, I did not quite understand the dynamics. Now I see the power game being played on a soul level, and it is an interesting revelation to know what the other person is trying to do. Once you work it out you can learn to read much about the supposedly “hidden” soul.

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