Sunday 15 September 2024


Path four

Path four is the highest, the hardest and the most satisfying path, in my opinion. On this path, we feel connected to our soul. It is like the light inside you is finally switched on and on a deep level, you know who you are, and what you need to do. On path four we live the greatest purpose of our life. At times it will feel daunting, yet it is, as if we are truly alive. Now we can fulfill our true destiny. To me, it feels like I have finally come home to myself.

To think this is the easiest path is a mistake, but it is the most rewarding. On this path, the trail is steep and hard. There are countless lessons to learn and constant personal challenges to deal with. In a sense the learning never ends. I believe we can only truly serve our soul’s purpose when we work at our highest level. On path four there is the opportunity for enormous growth and rapid change.

On the highest path, I have found my spiritual connection to be extremely important. I feel guided by my inner voice and close to my spiritual guardians. I know I am on track. In my human world, some people are critical of my choices, especially those on other paths. However, I know that if I stand by what I intuitively feel, I can’t go wrong.

On this path, you may pursue meditation, yoga and be actively working on personal growth. You will find life very exciting, as you explore new horizons and are constantly learning. There will always be something to work on or ideas to explore. It’s a never-ending process.

Socially, you may realize that you are not as popular as before. You may spend more time alone and being in the company of others may not thrill you as much. I noticed I could often feel out of place and would soon bore of the conversation. It was as though my shift had created a shift in my social world, subtle, but nonetheless, powerful. I could no longer spend hours talking about subjects I found less interesting to me. It was a shift that I took a while to be comfortable with.

It is okay to be in one’s own company and spend less time in mainstream. Invitations once automatically accepted may now present problems. Remember, if it does not feel right for you, then it isn’t. Only attend social functions when you really want to because the time for doing the “right thing” is over. Be polite when you refuse, knowing there is no need to explain why. Once you start to say “no” to these events you will feel a sense of relief. Honestly, I found it truly liberating.

Your social world might shrink for several years when you move up onto the highest path. Time is frequently given for you to spend more time alone, enabling you to work more quickly through your issues. During these times, you may almost feel like you are on some kind of retreat, except instead of being on a hill side in Nepal, you are tucked away in your little house in suburbia. This time ends, so be patient.

Some people have an illness or lose their jobs, so they have to stop. In this way, they are being given time to shift to the higher path. During this process, you can feel lost and unsure. You will, at times, feel like you are in a mess, both mentally and emotionally. Have faith, for all will be made clear, just ride the wave until you come into calm water.

There is generally a money shortage at this time and that adds even more pressure. To follow the higher path regularly entails an initial drop in income and status, and this can be hard to handle as money gives us power and security. Occasionally, this drop in money can be for a long time. It may be necessary for us not to be working in order to move in another direction. Once we let go of the money strings, we will be free to make personal changes. At this time, learning the difference between what we need, and what we want, is enlightening.

The loss of income can mean the loss of status. I think getting money is easier than getting status. Although our society loves money, I think it loves status even more. Status is like an external pat on the back, a bit like a power trip. Unfortunately, if we choose the highest path less people may value our choices, and our status may drop. In a world that measures success in terms of having lots of money and being employed in a powerful job, being able to connect to the spiritual world or dealing with our personal issues holds little weight.

If we choose this path we will generally go alone. We must support ourselves at this time, and not seek approval from others. They will be coming from another place, and their judgment will be based on different things.

Path four can be like being out in the desert on our own. Yet, like the desert, it has a beauty of its own, a freedom. For the sense of peace and personal happiness, I think it is worth it.

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