Sunday 15 September 2024


Path one

The first path seems like the easiest, and in a way it is. However, life cannot progress much on path one, except on a human level. The focus is on worldly issues. How one looks, what one owns and one’s position in society overrides everything else. On this path one judges and is judged by others, and there can be much “fakeness” as everyone tries to project the “right” image.

Power and control are major features on this path since these attributes are seen as valuable. No one works on improving themselves on a soul level at all for everything is on a human level. Denial is a common thread in path one, as dealing with one’s issues would be too challenging. People essentially hide here because it can seem like a safe place. You can be sure no one else on path one wants to dig deep and face their issues either. Once in this place one is forced to link into the mindset of the group because individuals are not well-tolerated as they are a threat to the status quo.

Mostly, people who suffer with addictions will frequent this plane. Denial fits in well and one can stay in the same place and no-one minds. Addiction is tolerated because through the use of food, cigarettes and drugs outstanding and deep-seated emotions are suppressed to avoid dealing with difficult memories or traumas. People who have grown up in harsh environments will feel comfortable on path one, while others who have lived in punitive homes will welcome the lax ways.

There appears to be little structure except, I have noticed there is an unspoken rule. Basically, one is expected not to rock the boat. When one chooses to live on this path one constantly meets people similar to them. The people have different names, but they are all the same. Everyone vibrates at the same rate, and carry similar unresolved issues and dark baggage. There is little light and much inner confusion for people on this path. There are no long-term goals, only transient ones that beg to be met. Sadly, with all things transient, satisfaction is small and short-lived. These people dream about a better future except, they make no move to activate it. Much time is spent waiting for someone else to fix it up. It feels that life is unfair and that a cruel blow has been dealt.

Here not much soul growth occurs. I liken it to being on the merry-go-round, you go around a lot, yet in spite of this you go nowhere.

It is not our role to judge others if they decide to experience this trip. We all make our choices. Some stay on this path because it is easy. For others, it is a starting point. Young souls frequent this plane to gain wisdom and an understanding of how the earth works. These souls can choose to start working on some difficult life lessons, especially if they need the earth experience as a platform for the work they have come down to do. Knowledge can be gained by experimenting in drugs, alcohol or crime. Living this life will bring with it a deeper understanding of the issues that people can encounter, and so these souls can develop the necessary compassion. Experience is the best teacher and on this route, they can gain wisdom. In time these souls move out and onto their next path. It is merely a learning path for them. Often later, these souls will work with others who have been lost on the path. They may become counselors, youth workers; work in shelters or in drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

Sadly, though, the majority of people never progress and can spend lifetimes on path one. Many people on path one fail to accept responsibility for their own lives, and therefore, cease to learn. The people who inhabit this path regularly act like victims. We can find the real victims of abuse hiding on this path. Survivors are not welcome in this place as they present too much of a threat, so anyone wishing to deal with anything will need to move to the next path.

Normally, people existing on path one will be challenged by others from paths two and three. The universe is constantly sending in others to encourage us to ascend. People will come in and try to encourage movement ahead, but if there is no hope of advancement those from path two, three or four will move on. We have all been with others on this path. I have observed that these people really don’t want to move. When they are given the chance to move up to path two, many will resort to their old ways and stay.

Path one is a good place to begin when learning about the human world. On the other hand, I don’t believe it is the best path for growth.

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